Daily Archives: July 29, 2013

Obama Achieves Economic Justice

All races are equally poor now! The socialist dream. WASHINGTON (AP) — Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and … Continue reading

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Philadelphia July Temperatures Plummeted During The Dalton Minimum

From 1790 to 1804, Philadelphia July temperatures dropped almost eight degrees. A Meteorological Account of the Weather in Philadelphia So far this month, Philadelphia temperatures have averaged 79F. Thirty years from now, alarmists will be saying that 50 years with … Continue reading

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Early 19th Century Climate Modelling

Astronomer Sir William Herschel observed over two hundred years ago that the weather gets cold during deep solar minimums. This puts him about 211 years ahead of current government climate scientists. http://books.google.com/books

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A Simple Plan To Save The Planet

The president tells us that the excessive lifestyle Americans enjoy, is destroying the climate. He knows this because it was hot in DC one afternoon a few weeks ago, and because there was a hurricane last year. NOAA tells him … Continue reading

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Jefferson’s Vision For America Vs. Obama’s Vision

This is how Thomas Jefferson viewed Americans This is how Barack Obama views Americans

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2013 Looking More And More Like 2006

Green is ice present in 2013 which was not present in 2006, red shows the opposite.

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The Mildew Drought Of 2013

The US Drought Monitor says that we are having a drought in Fort Collins, which is remarkable because it is raining every day, is the greenest anyone has ever seen it at the end of the July, and the constant … Continue reading

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Rebuked By The Pope, The Met Office Offers Penance

A new set of studies from the British government’s Meteorological Office has addressed the claims by climate change skeptics that global warming has “stopped” or “paused” or is “slowing down.” The Met Office’s response is a trio of reports that, … Continue reading

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Rowers Barely Escaped Being Trapped By Ice On July 24

On July 24, the rowers miraculously traveled 30 km into the wind with their GPS turned off. We rounded the tip of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula after two weeks of hard effort, sand bars and unfriendly winds. The Test Had they … Continue reading

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Arctic Scientists Having Difficulty Interpreting Graphs

Arctic cyclone chews up rotten northern sea ice The Canadian Press July 28, 2013 Cyclones can destroy large amounts of ice very quickly. “In 2009, we actually documented one of these events in which large, multi-year ice floes — Manhattan-sized — … Continue reading

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