Americans Against Illegal Mayors

Thugs from New York and Chicago came to Colorado last year and bought off Governor Chickenpooper. They convinced him to sell off the citizen’s constitutional rights for campaign cash.

What did he accomplish? He drove hundreds of jobs to Wyoming and other states, produced a huge boom in arms sales, led the northern part of the state towards secession, and here is the most gratifying news of all.

The number of people getting permits to carry concealed weapons in Colorado is up nearly 90 percent this year.

Between January and June, nearly 32,000 background checks were processed for concealed-carry permits by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Last year, less than 17,000 were processed during the same period.

Demand for concealed weapon permits up in Colorado | The Coloradoan |

Coloradans are standing their ground against the criminals running the US and the state.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Americans Against Illegal Mayors

  1. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Cunts will always be cunts–whether male or female. As in Colorado, so it is in New Jersey–you just don’t have the cops coming into your home yet after “mommy” pleads “he’s hurting me because I’m a dumb cunt,” takes your 870 Wingmaster hidden in the closet because she’s goofy, sits at the end of the bed, places the unloaded gun under her chin, and calls the cops after she’s been exposed as a lesbian now living in northern Vermont. Henley got it right:
    Too bad the Mantua Twp. Police Dept. has never had an officer that knows what manhood is. Their manhood is demon-strated by stealing homes from men they’re afraid of.

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