Another Racist Hate Crime Which Obama And Holder Are Ignoring

ScreenHunter_346 Jul. 28 20.19

Mob Of Teens Brutally Attack Man In Heart Of Little Italy « CBS Baltimore

Obama is sending the message loud and clear that he is a racist. He obsesses over imaginary hate crimes, and ignores the real ones.

A friend of a friend is a life-long Democrat who was working as a nurse backstage at the 2008 Democratic Convention. She overheard Michelle curse “Fucking white people

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Another Racist Hate Crime Which Obama And Holder Are Ignoring

  1. Jeffk says:

    The white flight (and middle class black flight) from inner cities was aided by well meaning “progressive” policies beginning after WWII.

  2. Chewer says:

    The city of brotherly love is all but that!
    The pot stirrers were hoping for a better outcome (violence and mass unrest, that is) after the massive coordinated post Zimmerman trial pot stirring, but alas, the 47% just don’t have the incentive, means and minds to carry their leaders water like they were supposed to.
    It was a crying shame their fellow “Where’s My Free Stuff” voters couldn’t take the hints that were given to them…
    The elitist progressive groups are upset their water carrying networks (MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC), are having such low viewership/ratings, otherwise, the message would have been more widely received.

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    Wild Bill for America on Presidents, Veeps and First Ladies:

    • gator69 says:

      My brother ‘worked for’ the Clintons in a sense, and had private time with them, and Gore. Wild Bill’s sources are right on the money where that administration is concerned. I would share stories, but I must respect my brother’s privacy, as he is still a government employee.

  4. JimmySpags says:

    My experience living in the DC area for 27 years was that that Baltimore is dangerous.

  5. Ivan says:

    She overheard Michelle curse “Fucking white people“
    …and that’s exactly what they have been doing this last 4 and a half years.
    Nobody can say they weren’t warned!

  6. gator69 says:

    Teens? How come ‘teens’ only come in one color these days?

    • miked1947 says:

      It is as if only one color gets into trouble. I know trouble for teens is universal, but the statistics show a drastic unbalance in the color charts for excess violence.

  7. Olaf Koenders says:

    Not surprising that minority groups are the most racist.

  8. jonolan says:

    What shocks mew is that so many people are surprised by this. When has Obama ever given any indication that he was other than a racist?

  9. sandnsea says:

    The criminals were caught. Their pictures are right there. Crime is not new. Why should the President express outrage at every set of criminals who are caught?

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