“Arctic Hole” Is 90% Concentration Ice

I measured the ratio of ice to open water in the region which alarmists have been hysterically describing as an open hole in the ice. Besides the fact that there is no indication of melt, the concentration of the ice in the satellite photo below is actually greater than 90%.

ScreenHunter_488 Jul. 01 13.10

arctic.io – Arctic Terra – (2013/181)

If warm southerly winds did arrive, a mere 10% compaction of the ice would close up all of the interstitial space between the ice flows.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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51 Responses to “Arctic Hole” Is 90% Concentration Ice

  1. squid2112 says:

    Oh, but, but, there’s water … in the middle of the fricken ocean!

    Whooda thunkit?

  2. Chewer says:

    Maybe the Team Twisted rowers should be dropped off there:)

  3. Latitude says:

    ….and you can clearly see the leads caused by the wind

  4. Andy DC says:

    Do you think in 1960 or 1950 or 1940 that people were looking around the Arctic basin with a microscope for little holes in the ice? Of course not. People familiar with the region knew that there were holes in the ice, sometimes right at the North Pole.

  5. gator69 says:

    But, but, but the models…

  6. http://www.iup.uni-bremen.de:8084/amsr2/arctic_AMSR2_nic.png

    Yesterday’s Bremen Sea Ice Map shows that there is a large area of ice north of 85 degrees that is much lower than 90 percent concentration.
    The link Latitude posted explains why the concentration has been dropping so quickly, for once I must thank him.

    • terrence says:

      Drool, drool, drool, Reggie Pooh.

    • Latitude says:

      and the ice is getting thicker the closer it gets to the coast because high land temps are melting it..
      That’s a lead caused from the wind pushing the ice you dimwit…………

      It’s July, normally the ice at the coast would be melted and gone by now……..not thicker

      • Latitude:
        There is so much wrong with what you wrote, I don’t know where to start.
        The ice on what you mistakenly are calling the coast is never ever expected to melt out, and any suggestion otherwise is ludicrous. Your problem is that you don’t understand the definition of multi-year ice and have no idea how it is created.
        It was explained to you earlier today by another blogger, but you appear to be too stubborn to listen.
        The ice on what you describe as being on the “coast” is the pathetically small remaining amount of thick MYI, a mere fraction compared to what was there only a couple decades ago.

        • gator69 says:

          “…a mere fraction compared to what was there only a couple decades ago.”

          So what? Ice melts, big deal.

          That’s like saying ‘Denver was colder in February than it is in August’.

          Or like saying ‘the sky is brighter at noon than at midnight’.

          Rant Chicken Little, rant! πŸ˜†

        • Gator:
          The 15 foot ice we are talking about never ever melts until it is flushed down the Fram Straight. It is too cold to melt ice along the top of the CAA and northern Greenland.

        • Latitude says:

          Do you really hang out of blogs that are this stupid?

          There’s another lead north of Alaska….just like the hole you are whining about

          What caused that other lead? and why is the ice thick on both sides of it?
          It has to do with your blowtorch…..

          MYI is caused by wind…..period

  7. Traitor In Chief says:

    Some info on how Multi-Year Ice becomes 15 ft thick


  8. Multi year ice is not caused by wind, although young multi-year ice may be thickened by wind.
    Say the words slowly….multi….year….ice
    It is ice that is older….multiple years old
    That ice on what you call “the coast” is the oldest ice in the Arctic and is located where ice doesn’t melt.

    • Chewer says:

      So the Arctic basin won’t be ice free?

    • Latitude says:

      You can only get MYI…when the wind does not blow it out..it’s wind

      The ice that I call “the coast” is….for the umteenth time….the entire coast….all the way around the Arctic….where the purple shows it’s 90-100%

  9. Traitor In Chief says:

    A short discussion on the Peril of “Rowing” thru Loose Ice Floes


  10. gator69 says:

    “Reggie, sponsored by Brawndo says:
    July 1, 2013 at 9:25 pm

    The 15 foot ice we are talking about never ever melts until it is flushed down the Fram Straight. It is too cold to melt ice along the top of the CAA and northern Greenland.”

    And what does this have to do with…

    “…a mere fraction compared to what was there only a couple decades ago.”

    You act as if ice never melted before. Count to ten.

    There is nothing to see here but a crew of thrill seekers riding the AGW scam for all it is worth! πŸ˜†

    • Melt has nothing to do with all the holes near the north pole and nobody sane is going to suggest otherwise. There was a nasty persistent arctic cyclone (PAC2013) that started in late May and went on until almost the middle of June. This cyclone tore apart the ice around the pole to an extent never before observed.The weakened badly fractured ice is now being blown south and opening wider and wider gaps every day.
      Had the ice not been torn up by PAC2013, it would be strong enough to remain intact.
      PAC2013 was a double edge sword, it tore up the ice, but it is also partially responsible for the below average temps north of 80.

  11. lance says:

    All I can say is that won’t have to bring in my ice auger to drill a hole in the ice to ice fish…wonder if i’ll catch a nuke sub? what kind of bait does one use for that?

  12. gator69 says:

    Isn’t it odd how Reggie tries to bust on Monckton, yet ignores the bogus claims of CEO Eddie O’Connor, of Mainstream Renewable Power?

    It is almost as if truth is completely irrelevant to him. πŸ˜‰

  13. Jim Hunt says:

    It’s seems that at long last we’re finally all agreed that the Arctic Ocean isn’t actually “Full of [100%] ice” at the moment.

    Since there’s evidently such a spirit of togertheness in here now, does anyone fancy playing “spot the difference”?


    • Latitude says:

      JIm, the wind is just making holes in different places…in different years

    • No one ever said that. Lying is a cardinal sin on this blog.

      • Jim Hunt says:

        I take it from your remark that my supposition was incorrect then Steven? What do you make of arctic.io’s split zoom? Do you agree with Latitude, for example?

    • T.O.O. says:

      A picture is worth a thousand words and this one tells a million.

    • squid2112 says:

      Jim, that is a pretty cool little tool. I suggest you get new glasses though. Overall, looks to me like there is more ice today, and especially thicker ice. I am not well versed in the geography so I cannot tell you names of locations, but zooming out a little and panning around it appears to me that there is certainly more ice now then there was in 2012.

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