Arctic Hole Update

Some people commenting here believe that this region near the North Pole consisting of 80-90% concentration ice, and shows no indication of melt, is a giant hole in the Arctic. They also call it a “slushy

ScreenHunter_75 Jul. 06 08.05

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Arctic Hole Update

  1. Wow, looks like I hit a raw nerve

    • Absolutely. I have no patience for morons wasting everybody’s time. You are now officially spam.

      • Robert Austin says:

        How about putting Reggie on “double secret probation” at least until after we know how the rowing expedition fairs. In a few months we will know if Reggie has to eat crow or is able to crow about a wide open Northwest Passage.

    • squid2112 says:

      Buh bye Reg!

    • Andy DC says:

      How is showing a map of nearly 100% ice coverage hitting a nerve? It is not a land mass up there, rather a wide open ocean thousands of miles wide, subject to winds and currents. Whether a crack or hole appears from time to time hardly proves anything.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    Oh comon Steve! Let him stay. It’s entertaining!…. 🙂

    well, okay, true. I don’t hafta deal with it.

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    I guess the slushy is in Reggie’s head. But without the trolls, who will tell us what is going on North of the 90th?

  4. Sunsettommy says:

    Reggie never showed why his worries about the Arctic ice cap were a valid reason for us to worry about.

    He was busy crying over some small reduction here and there but does not tell us why we should worry about it and ignoring the real cause for the loss of multiple year ice of the previous decades.It was making me think he is a man with an obsession without knowing why and that is why he finally became spam.He would go on and on with baloney not making a smart point in the process.

    I see this in other places too where they obsess over the Arctic ice cover changes as if something terrible is going to happen but never seem to realize they are being idiots in doing so.When they are confronted with published science about far less ice in the earlier part of the interglacial they commonly treat it like holy water by ignoring it and go on with their cult baloney.

    All the while they pointedly ignore what is happening at the “other” pole that is so inconvenient to their warmist cult ideology.

    • gator69 says:

      There is a reason why the tale of ‘Chicken Little’ survived, and has been taught to every generation (apparently up until mine). Whenever I point out the FACT that there nothing unusual happening in the Arctic, they call me ‘extreme’ or a ‘confusionist’. I too tried to find out why Reggie was so very excited about the Arctic ice and got no response.

      I even went as far as to point out that the rowing team’s corporate mouthpiece (Mainstream Renewable Power’s CEO) was FOS on every one of his alarmist claims, and heard crickets from Reggie. But Heaven forbid Monckton from making any claim that is questionable. 😆

      PS – I emailed the press contact for MRP, and pointed out the fallacy of their claims, and now I am not seeing that video. Hmmmm…

  5. Sundance says:

    At least Brawndo Boy seemed to exhibit signs of intelligence unlike Lazarus. 🙂

  6. Billy Liar says:

    Reggie’s boys have disappeared. No updates since 3 July, no pics, no video only trackpoints on the map. They’re almost at the mouth of the Mackenzie river and the most recent ice chart (1 July) is not looking good:

    a lot of 9+/10ths and 10/10ths around.

    Reggie’s blowtorch doesn’t seem to have managed much up to yesterday east of Tuktoyaktuk either:

    • stewart pid says:

      Billy ….. they’ll be able to make up for lost time when they reach the grey area on your map …. it sez “fast ice” 😉

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