Arizona Heatwave Update

No relief in sight for Arizona from the cool temperatures and daily rain.

ScreenHunter_208 Jul. 11 08.41

Flagstaff, AZ Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Arizona Heatwave Update

  1. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    Well there goes the neighborhood. All that rain is going to sprout and grow more new brush and other vegetation that is just going to dry out and go up like gasoline when the PERMANENT monsoon ends or the PEMANENT drought returns, only to be replaced by mud slides and more brush when the PERMANENT monsoon is back in the Seventh House.

    This just shows that the word weather is as obsolete as a buggy whip to most Alarmist, and that Global Warming is the sole driver and cause of every weather event from Sunrise, to first frost, to When the Moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter Aligns with Mars, except for those occasions when these phenomenon are not caused by Global Warming but instead they are created by Global Climate Disruption. lol-lol-lol

    Me thinks that Reggie and his like minded AGW friends took one toke too many and they are now convinced that, “We are at the Drowning or is it the Dawning of the Age of Aquarious” (Catastrophic sea level rise) hence the line “Let the Sunshine in…” The Co2 magnified Artic Global Warming Blow Torch Sunshine that is. Me thinks that Reggie & Co. had one to many weed inspired Freudian moments when he coined the term “The Artic ‘BLOW’ Torch.” Give that man a Hershey Bar.

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