Chicago 35 Degrees Cooler Than 1936

On July 24, 1936 the temperature in Chicago was 107F. Today it was 72F.

Hansen says that heatwaves were impossible before recent global warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Chicago 35 Degrees Cooler Than 1936

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Very nice in Chicago today, ran 16 miles. Dewpoint 49-50 deg. Felt like football / marathon season (autumn).
    My carbon footprint for the run was 704 grams CO2, only considering kcal burned and not the footprint to manufacture the shoes or purify my hydration.

  2. Jim M says:

    It’s 55 degrees here in the Adirondacks with a prediction 37 degrees tonight.

  3. Mike Mangan says:

    Just got back from a bike ride with my daughter and it is exquisitely beautiful up here in West Michigan right now. 72° and low humidity. Thank you, global warming!

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