Chicago Murders So Far This Summer

ScreenHunter_77 Jul. 14 05.50

Chicago Crime —

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Chicago Murders So Far This Summer

  1. gator69 says:

    This is from my county’s vital statistics page…

    “Violent Crimes: 0
    Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 0
    Forcible rape: 0
    Robbery: 0
    Aggravated Assault: 0
    Property Crimes (2008): 0
    Burglary: 0
    Larceny-Theft: 0
    Motor Vehicle Theft: 0”

    ALL of us have guns, and shoot on a regular basis.

    A half hour drive, and I can be in the city, where they have daily rapes, murders, home invasions, stolen cars, beatings and theft.

    It’s not the guns, it is the culture.

  2. Reblogged this on Power To The People and commented:
    Will the Justice Department look into the 36 murders in Chicago or will they turn their backs on the racial violence there and instead persecute Zimmerman who was found Not Guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin thus stirring up even more racial animus?

  3. higley7 says:

    The pundits are loving to say the whole Trayvon event was just an unfortunate set of conditions. However, if you look at what each was doing, with Zim looking out for suspicious behavior as well as people who did not belong (which Tray did not, he was cutting through a gated community via a broken fence) and Tray doing suspicious behavior, the decision that made this happen was when Tray decided, instead of talking to Zim or going straight home (knowing that his own actions were suspicious), he decided to stalk and attack Zim. That was the key wrong decision.

  4. dan4kent says:

    As a Chicagoan, I often wonder if the monday morning TV news is coming from downtown or Kabul. We’re in deep trouble here. Spotlight please. Dan

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