Comparing GISS To Regional Temperatures

GISS shows that August temperatures have been increasing, and that August 1913 was the coldest in the last 100 years.

ScreenHunter_198 Jul. 10 22.56

Raw GHCN temperatures for Oklahoma show that there has been no trend in August temperatures, and that 1913 was one of the hottest on record – with 1934 and 1936 being by far the hottest.

ScreenHunter_200 Jul. 10 23.02

Conclusion : Either Oklahoma is not part of the planet, or GISS temperatures are a complete fraud.

The summer of 1913 holds the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, and GISS tells us that summer was very cold.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Comparing GISS To Regional Temperatures

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    I believe you have shown two months… one June, one July, in 1934 and 1936, where every state in the lower 48 recorded a temp over 100 F. Now That’s a heat wave.

  2. cosmoscon says:

    I did the very same thing a while ago and came up with similar results.

    The only way the GISS crooks can generate their hockey stick graph is to manipulate the data. Or as Gavin Schmidt once said – place you data in an as-impenetrable-as-possible form. i.e. doctor it and hide it.

  3. phodges says:


    Loaded with choice quotes! My favorite, after they talk about putting in assumptions where they have minimal data:

    “By plugging in actual values for the ocean and atmosphere, researchers pull the model away from its natural state.”

    In other words, using actual data makes the model perform worse!

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