Demonizing The Good Guys

I took a number of NRA safety classes as a child, and learned to respect and handle rifles safely. I passed this knowledge on to my children, who are also very safe with firearms.

The White House is constantly demonizing the NRA, and has disrupted the culture of gun safety they have always promoted.  Partially as a result, we now have some complete morons running around with guns, and no knowledge of how to handle them.

ScreenHunter_44 Jul. 13 00.12

News from The Associated Press

If Obama actually cared about gun and school safety, he would work with the NRA – not against them.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Demonizing The Good Guys

  1. Chewer says:

    It doesn’t fit into any of his goals!
    1. Cause discontent in any way that he can think of
    2. Bring the U.S. manufacturing giant to its knee’s anyway possible using “scientific Consensus”
    3. Put all people on a pedestal that are non-white
    4. Incite disruption to all foreign nations, except the ones that can assist with bringing the American Capitalist system to its knees
    5. Demonize all Constitutional rights that hamper #2 and #4 above
    6. Brainwash children with tyrannical, unethical and immoral tactics beginning at the earliest age while ensuring they understand that their parents are the reason for every problem on the planet
    7. Smile and joke while looking very cool to ensure the middle class is fully enthralled with such great thinking and spectacular ideas
    8. Spy, connive, gather meta-data on all threats from within the Nation and use the data to manipulate and deceive the American Public
    9. Insert Marshall Law when all goals have been accomplished, or right before impeachment or before the next election

    • Andy DC says:

      10. No shame or stigma assoicated with any sex act, within or outside marriage, including rape, adultery, group sex, pedophilia, incest and bestiality. That is just you expressing your sexuality, which is your human right and privilege.
      11. Children produced from any of the above have a basic human right to be supported by the Government from cradle to grave.
      12. We need to soak the evil top 1% to support all of this and more.
      13. A cell phone, cable TV and Internet are basic human rights and will be provided for free, as long as you vote Democrat.

  2. Adam Gallon says:

    And if anyone believes his story about using a loaded gun, with its safety off, as a crutch, they’re morons too!

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    A little OT, but..

    Is MAIG Operating Illegally?

    ( — It came to light last week that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been using New York City funds and resources to aid his private organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), writes Larry Keane, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

    Keane continued by writing, the billionaire mayor already contributes the vast majority of the funding for the “MAIG Action Fund,” but it has now been revealed that he is using the City’s taxpayer money to fund MAIG itself — his own personal vendetta.

    For a man of vast personal wealth, it is beyond comprehension that Bloomberg would waste New York City taxpayer resources to staff and fund a massive, national lobbying campaign to pursue his personal anti-gun agenda.

    The New York Post reported that Bloomberg sent Christopher Kocher, an employee whose salary is paid with New York City tax dollars, to lobby Nevada legislators for stricter background checks on firearm purchases. Kocher, whose official title is special counselor to the mayor’s office, was sent as a representative for MAIG to lobby for a bill enforcing background checks on all firearm sales in that state.

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