Does It Get Hot In Arizona?

One of the wilderness rangers I worked with in New Mexico used to be a National Park Service ranger at the Grand Canyon. He told me a story  about a 1970s death in the Grand Canyon where a hiker was overcome by heat. They found him a couple of days later with “the backs of his legs split open like hot dogs – from the heat and sun

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Does It Get Hot In Arizona?

  1. Lance says:

    I just can’t understand why Canadians flock to Arizona in Winter…./sarc….(gee…I bought a house there to retire…)

  2. Olaf Koenders says:


  3. Andy DC says:

    The media has been all hot and bothered about a good run of the mill heatwave in Arizona. In the meantime, there has been widespread record cold from Texas to Arkansas. Waco on 7/3 broke their low temperature record for the entire month of July.

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