Drudge Forecast Verification

Last week, Drudge forecast 135 degrees in California. Temperatures never came close to that.

This week, Drudge forecast a hurricane for Florida.

ScreenHunter_202 Jul. 11 00.46

Fortunately, Drudge’s forecasts are not quite as bad as the UK Met Office.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Drudge Forecast Verification

  1. John Silver says:

    Dissipated? What kind of lame storm is that?

  2. ralphcramdo says:

    It’s a rain storm.

  3. Glacierman says:

    Drudge has apparently accepted being a willing dupe in the climate alarmist game.

  4. Bill says:

    This is the earliest a hyped storm has dissipated. It’s unprecedented.

  5. RobertInAz says:

    SW Phoenix finally got its first rain of the season.

  6. Wyguy says:

    I’m sorry, but Drudge has gone off course and it’s drudgery to read his blog.

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