Early 19th Century Climate Modelling

Astronomer Sir William Herschel observed over two hundred years ago that the weather gets cold during deep solar minimums. This puts him about 211 years ahead of current government climate scientists.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Early 19th Century Climate Modelling

  1. Don B says:

    This weekend the New York Times referenced an article from 1852 they published about hot weather in NY. (It was hot without CO2 as the driver!) What were they thinking?


    • No. No. You don’t understand. The heating power of CO2 extends to over a century and a half into the past. That is where the CO2 hides its extra heat and explains the current pause of AGW. It also explains why all the corrections in the past temperature record had to be in the negative direction – increasingly so the further back in time you go. Soon, the evil gas will bring back that heat and then all we deniers will be sorry. What is worse, it could move that heat into the more distant future so that even the worst fears excessive heat will be exceeded. Chicken Little’s fear that the sky is falling is trivial by comparison.

      Meanwhile, late night radio talk shows report that Big Foot has been sighted walking along a mountain ridge and was actually videoed for almost a minute. Unfortunately the person who made the video was unavailable to answer questions. It is suspected that he was abducted by extra terrestrials so the truth about Big Foot could stay a secret.

  2. gator69 says:

    What? You are going to take the opinion of people who could not even read a thermometer?

  3. Billy Liar says:

    You can’t believe anything from a sexist and elitist rag called ‘The Gentleman’s Magazine’.

  4. Blade says:

    Astronomer Sir William Herschel observed over two hundred years ago that the weather gets cold during deep solar minimums. This puts him about 211 years ahead of current government climate scientists.

    Wow, great find Steve!

    Does anyone know how to get plain text out of Google books? They were obviously OCR’d at some point since those highlighted words are from Steve’s search terms. They just don’t seem to expose it to a web browser.

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