Egypt Sends A July 4th Message To America

Hope and Change – Egypt successfully frees themselves from their corrupt Islamic dictator.

ScreenHunter_528 Jul. 02 14.44

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Egypt Sends A July 4th Message To America

  1. Latitude says:

    that’s more people on the streets…that voted in the election
    Morsi could not have won that election honestly

    I’m impressed with their print shops….and fireworks displays!

  2. Robertv says:

    And the winner is …………

  3. Blade says:

    Egypt Sends A July 4th Message To America

    It’s amazing to read that banner: “Wake Up America“, but sad at the same time because we’re a little bit too busy to pay attention to them. We’ve got barbecues and televised trials, and of course Cut The Rope and Angry Birds computer games to keep us occupied thank you very much. How dare you Egyptians interrupt our awesomeness to call out leftists like DingleBarry who are trying to help that fascist regime maintain law and order!

  4. Bloke down the pub says:

    The BBC have been making much of the Egyptian army’s move to remove the democratically elected government. I wonder if they were glad that the Reichswehr decided not to remove the democratically elected leadership of Germany in 1933?

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