Escape From The PRK

AKRON, Colo. (CBS4) – There’s a growing effort to create a 51st state out of parts of northeast Colorado.

Ten counties, including Weld and Morgan, started talking about seceding last month. Now some people Lincoln and Cheyenne counties say they want to join a new state they’d call “North Colorado.”

Organizers of the secession effort say their interests are not being represented at the state Capitol. Representatives from the 10 counties held a meeting on Monday in the town of Akron in Weld County to begin mapping the boundaries for the new state they say will represent the interests of rural Colorado.

Effort To Create New State Called ‘North Colorado’ Grows « CBS Denver

The revenue producing parts of the state have had enough of the Denver/Chicago/New York mafia.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Escape From The PRK

  1. DarrylB says:

    Any real estate for sale there?
    Hope the state bird does not run into a windmill of a neighboring state.

  2. michael says:

    The same thing happened in Alberta at the beginning of their tar sands boom. All of a sudden they realized they were sitting on a pile of money– so they immediately attempted to secede from the rest of Canada, who might have wanted to share in the windfall.

    Shame on Rifle, Colorado. Greedy bastards.

    • Rifle is in the western part of the state. This article is about NE Colorado

      It isn’t about the money. NE Colorado is ranches. It is about the drugs, perversion, crime, abortion, guns and corruption in Denver.

      • michael says:

        Credit where credit is due, Steve. I stand corrected.

        I think North Colorado should secede. If they think they can do better without the urban part of Colorado, more power to them. They should perform the experiment.

        My prediction, though, is that they’re going to find it hard to do without the money. The Front Range corridor is very rich. And the big flat part in the eastern half of the state is very poor, without much of a resource base that doesn’t rely on their dwindling water table. They might want to keep their wagons hitched to a steady source of emergency funding.

        • ROFLMAO – NE Colorado is covered with oil wells on private property and has massive Uranium deposits – which are being blocked from mining by the commies in the PRK. It would probably be the richest state in the country.

      • michael says:

        Steve, I’m going to want some documentation on the idea that liberals controlling the PRK (what’s that? the People’s Republic of Kolorado?) are preventing property owners from developing their mineral rights. We’re in the middle of an energy boom right now. And even Kommisar-in-Chief Obama tells us in his State of the Union addresses that we must drill baby drill, to retain our energy independence. In fact he’s opened up our continental slopes to O&G exploration. Not even George Bush did that.

        Gas development is wide open now in both Colorado and nearby Wyoming. Old uranium mines in WY have been reopened and I would be very surprised if the same thing wasn’t happening in CO. Hell, they’re even giving out permits just to break up and sell landscaping rocks now– rocks that used to be some of the handsomest landform features that tourism-driven state possesses. In Colorado everything’s for sale.

    • LLAP says:

      @Michael: “so they immediately attempted to secede from the rest of Canada, who might have wanted to share in the windfall.”

      Why should Alberta be forced to send billions of dollars in transfer payments to pay for Quebec’s big government? Your concept of “sharing” in the windfall is typical of lefties … the producer has to give to the taker, or it isn’t fair. God forbid they should both produce something and trade with each other such that both parties benefit.

      • michael says:

        Let’s ask this question: Exactly what have the residents of Alberta done to deserve the wealth stemming from a mineral deposit that just happened to occur on their land?

        And if the deposits occurred on federal, as opposed to privately owned land, do they have any right to these profits at all?

        The Tar Sands have been developed with capital coming from elsewhere in Canada and the world. The project is being worked by oilfield jobbers from all over. Just what part of this boom belongs solely to Alberta?

        I have an answer: the part that spends its money locally, the jobbers on their day off who throw their wages around like… like oilfield workers. Alberta’s getting a generous cut just by taxing sales at their motels, bars and auto dealerships.

        • michael says:

          I will add a codicil to the comment above. Let’s look at how Alaska carved out its share of profit from the North Slope oil fields. Because it left every Alaskan not only with no state tax bill to pay but instead a handsome dividend check from the state.

          What happened? Well, it was the strong stand taken by Alaska’s socialist governor, Sarah Palin. She forced an increase in the royalty rates the oil companies had to pay to the states. That is, Alaska was able in some degree to nationalize their resource base, and increase the State’s share in the profits.

          So there’s something to be said for either side- to nationalize or not to nationalize.

  3. Greg Locke says:

    This won’t happen because it would result in two Republican senators. There is no way the cabal in D.C.will allow a shft in power like that.

    • benfrommo says:

      I do not know Colorado, but I would guess currently that as a swing state they probably have one of each senators now, and if this goes through they would probably end up with 2 blue senators in Old Colorado and 2 red senators in NE Colorado. Balance of power therefore remains the same.

      No, the reason they would oppose it is that if they allowed one group to form their own state, just about every state in the union would do it. Here in Florida I could see Northern Florida quickly seceeding from the cesspool of Miami and Miami politics. Florida after all is a red state that like most of em has big blue cities that often times take the cake in elections.

  4. Pathway says:

    The state bird is a ground dwelling species that will not nest under the shadow of the propeller blades. They think it is a predator. So windmills decrease the population of the Lark Bunting.

    In regards to Rifle, most of the O&G has left the area because of the ban on federal leases from the Bummer. Most of Colorado would be happy if the Denver-Boulder corridor would secede.

  5. Gamecock says:

    Take from me, Steve. What ever you do, don’t shoot at one of their forts !!!

  6. Blade says:

    There’s a growing effort to create a 51st state out of parts of northeast Colorado.

    Make it so. There are so many States that this could apply to. Maybe we can get it down to county sized States. 😉

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