Forbes : “The rate of temperature change is pretty fast this time”

The rate of temperature change is pretty fast this time and we’re seeing serious effects even within a single human lifetime. The number of species that go extinct is a direct function of the rate at which the temperature changes.

Who Cares About Global Warming? – Forbes

Actually, the rate of stupidity increase is off scale. This guy thinks animals are going extinct because they can’t adapt to a 0.0C change in temperature over the last 16 years.

ScreenHunter_345 Jul. 28 19.30

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Forbes : “The rate of temperature change is pretty fast this time”

  1. Latitude says:

    ..and not one word about all the animals, etc that have recovered…and are no longer endangered

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    The alarmists keep telling us about extinctions of plants and animals, yet I have yet to see a list that documents extinctions. And even if they do so have such a list, there are a zillion confounding factors. There is no way they could attribute the cause to temp change, let alone CO2.

    Chicago experiences temp swings of 100 deg F over a year. Tell me living things can handle this but not a 0, 1 or even 2 deg F temp change over a period of decades?

    • John B., M.D. says:

      The wind turbines may make birds of prey go extinct.
      Hydroelectric dams hurt salmon populations.
      Tailings from lithium and rare earth element mining are toxic to living things (mostly in China and a few other foreign countries).

    • Eric Barnes says:

      What’s worse is temps are getting less extreme. Highs are declining and lows are what is causing warming.

    • gator69 says:

      The claim of extinctions is based upon a, wait for it… MODEL!!!

      This is why they cannot list any ACTUAL extinctions.

      Fraud alert!

  3. Jeffk says:

    Climatards often confuse other factors related to human development (a general thing they do not question) as being solely the cause of CO2. They simply have a blind spot for all the other pollution, the urbanization, the growing global middle class, sprawl with additional asphalt, etc. They do consider UHIs, but that’s all. Everything else is all pinned on the CO2 donkey. It’s easy because CO2 can’t defend itself in court.

  4. chris y says:

    There is no way to support the claim that ‘the rate of change is pretty fast this time.’ There is no historical data with which to compare. Marcott’s study demonstrated this problem in spades. The other data shown in the Forbes article figure are hopelessly smoothed over thousands of years.

  5. higley7 says:

    The predicted species extinctions simply have not happened and there is absolutely no evidence or reports of species extinctions.

    The predictions are totally based on abuse of a computer program designed to predict the decrease in species when smaller samples are assessed when doing field surveys.

    The other computer program used here was written to predict the number of species that have never been detected will go extinct before they are ever detected. This, of course, is pure fantasy, as a species that is never detected never existed. There are no numbers that can be put in this program that are no t pure fantasy.

  6. Traitor In Chief says:

    Not to mention that many wild animals only live a few years anyway…. and see no change to which they must adapt. If a Pika named, say, Squeak Dessler, moves 50 yards up the mountain to escape blistering heat, then baby Andy doesn’t need to adapt at all.

    • miked1947 says:

      However, when Squeak passes away a sub species will then be extinct. As each individual entity is a unique specimen, each individual becomes their own unique species. Each day new species are created and old species become extinct. It is the natural order of life.

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