Gaia Sends Crushing Defeat To The Global Warming Scamsters

ScreenHunter_17 Jul. 31 04.43

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

The way things are headed, we may see a doubling of the amount of multi-year ice in the not too distant future.

How are they going to lie their way out of this one?

ScreenHunter_165 Jul. 17 11.51

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada

ScreenHunter_168 Jul. 10 08.02

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Gaia Sends Crushing Defeat To The Global Warming Scamsters

  1. Anto says:

    When it’s a matter of faith, there’s always some way to excuse the pachyderm in the greenhouse.

    Case in point: creationists – close relatives to today’s climate catastrophists.

  2. Front-page news, consigned to this quiet backwater. Insane. (It looks like the 2013 ice is most likely to continue to hug the “normal” region, as it has done all year, as you have been saying all along, so the alarmists cannot even say it is “below normal” and expect to get away with it, among sane and honest scientists at least.) The environmental movement is dead, and the “global warming” meme is a zombie (which is to say, a scary fantasy).

    • glenncz says:

      This is a completely ridiculous comment. The movement continues to gain power, money, influence and momentum..

  3. juergenuie says:

    I think Gaia misunderstood ICE FREE.
    I guess it understood FREE ICE – a lot of FREE ICE

  4. slp says:

    Likely they will claim that the extremes from climate change are so bad now that they cannot even make accurate forecasts.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    It was just a possible scenario.
    Oh’ what I meant was 2130.
    Hey, The ice still isn’t doing so well.

    • gator69 says:

      “It’s about glacier loss”

      “Fracking is poisoning drinking water”

      “Mass extinctions”

      “The oceans are acidifying”

      Frickin’ ‘Whac-A-Mole’!

  6. It seems anomalous. There has to be instrument error. Adjustments are in order.

  7. BobW in NC says:

    Back to the Arctic ice: Interesting, too, that the DMI data shows the temp dropping like a stone – it is at 0°C well in advance of the “normal” decline:

    Can’t copy the picture – sorry.

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