Geniuses In A Rowboat

ScreenHunter_195 Jul. 10 18.17

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That is brilliant. The Navy is forecasting a 25cm /s current coming straight at them on Friday. This also indicates very high headwinds.

ScreenHunter_196 Jul. 10 18.17

icespddrf2013070918_2013071200_035_arcticicespddrf.001.gif (862×876)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Geniuses In A Rowboat

  1. Latitude says:

    good grief…how is the wind supposed to break up the ice…..when the ice is coming right at them

  2. Andy Oz says:

    I predict that the weather will settle down around mid September and they’ll be able to get underway again. Have a break boys and let those blisters heal up. LOL.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Rub a dub dub, four shlubs in a tub.

  4. bill says:

    All of the previous NW passage trips in small vessels were from East to West if I remember correctly. These guys seem to be fighting the prevailing current and winds for this time of year.
    Looks like a lack of homework on that as well as on the ice concentration this year.

  5. Doug says:

    I believe this is the same reason the hybrid catamaran named BABUSHKA is not traveling toward the North Pole – they are being pushed to the west by the same current the Navy above is forecasting… they must add some 90 degrees to their course for cross-track error to make good their intended route to the North Pole – ooo degrees….lol

    GPS Tracker url:

    This year’s Arctic “Geniuses In boats” makes you really stop and think… WTHO?

    • Andy Oz says:

      They look like they will need to circumnavigate the Arctic. Everyone with wacky expedition ideas got excited last year when the sea ice was much less. Mother Nature likes to play with puny humans.

  6. Harold Ambler says:

    As a rower, one who has suffered through a few blisters, allow me to say, in the least technical language that I can: These guys are out of their ever-loving minds and bring shame on the sport.

  7. Bob Koss says:

    How long before cabin fever sets in? Who has control of the shotgun?

  8. Chewer says:

    They agreed to the boat manufacturer/owner that they would not give up, so it’ll be great entertainment for the duration.
    Let the spankings begin:)

  9. Chewer says:

    Looking at the Jenny Lind, Royal Geographical Society & King William Islands area, the team should have made the run last year, as this year is not doable and by the time they get to that point in their journey, the game is over…

  10. Mike says:

    The rowers are idiots, conned by a bunch of alarmists, setting them up as polar bear fodder.

    Time to hole the hull and declare a “taking on water” emergency.

    • Chewer says:

      No doubt, that’d be a great out, but I’d like to see how there voyage pans out till August 9th:)
      A good spanking is needed from time to time for boisterous & unruly kids…

    • Andy Oz says:

      The rowers are acting as the PR department of the windfarm company and this “trek” will be a tax deductible promotion. Their cause celebre , CAGW, is entirely mythical.
      Meanwhile, in the Simpson Desert in Australia, there is another lot of trekkers who are raising money for research into Type 1 diabetes with a desert ultramarathon of 250 km. Unlike mythical CAGW, diabetes is a real disease and requires real scientific research. Since so much money is being wasted on CAGW research, that there is not much left for real and life saving science.

      • Chewer says:

        The Goblins and forces driving fear of “Over-population” and mankind’s sins of planetary destruction go back a long time and may never be defeated.
        Some people are easily manipulated and they are the ones the progressive rejects go after. Those of us that are independent thinkers are their foes and have been losing the battle due to our good nature. The past 1/2 decade, the twisted psychosis of the left has been confronted, but only in a politically correct fashion, which is not working to well, as we can all see!

  11. Hang on a minute!

    I thought the ice had all gone anyway?

  12. RobertInAz says:

    40 hours without a position update.

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