Global Warming Lies Kill

Governmental organizations like NASA have been disseminating a constant stream of misinformation about the state of climate, and in particular the state of the Arctic. Gullible young people often believe the propaganda, and put their lives at risk.

ScreenHunter_40 Jul. 12 22.51

British explorer Philip Goodeve-Docker freezes to death during Arctic trek with friends | Mail Online

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Global Warming Lies Kill

  1. Ivan says:

    A strong contender for this year’s Darwin Awards.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Hopefully the same fate does not happen to the Rowing team. My guess is their sponsor and PR firm would not take any responsibility for a tragedy. The story the team wrote about Franklin may well be prescient.

  3. gator69 says:

    Government lies kill. And nobody can fund bigger lies than Big Brother.

  4. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    So what? The alarmist say that there are to many humans on Earth. Phillip’s mother should be proud of her son for he is now when all alarmist yearn to be, one with Nature. I say let them realize their dream. Or is it realize their worst nightmare.

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