Greenland Summit Camp Moves Their Greenhouse To Keep It From Getting Buried By Ice

ScreenHunter_216 Jul. 11 12.47


The greenhouse (gray building) was located in the center of the picture for many years, but accumulating ice was burying it, so they moved it on top of the ice on the left side.

Today is the one year anniversary of NASA’s Greenland meltdown, when they convinced the press that 97% of the ice sheet melted.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Greenland Summit Camp Moves Their Greenhouse To Keep It From Getting Buried By Ice

  1. Pathway says:

    Looks like a nice day for a move.

  2. Streetcred says:

    Damn, they’ve taken over the practice putting green for their maintenance sheds.

  3. Bob Koss says:

    I see they haven’t updated their temperature and wind readings since the 5th. The golf pro probably took the equipment home while the move was underway.

  4. miked1947 says:

    That is a much better location for the 19th hole! You can watch the girls sunbathing by the pool better from up there than from the old location.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Looks like Tiger is going to play a bump and run with his 7 iron into the teeth of the wind.

  6. nigelf says:

    That building must be on skids so they just moved it with a bulldozer?

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