Voters support 49 – 38 percent …. using drones or cruise missiles ….. to attack Syrian government targets, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN- uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.
Sarah Palin suggests a different approach :
“Let Allah sort it out”
Voters support 49 – 38 percent …. using drones or cruise missiles ….. to attack Syrian government targets, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN- uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.
Sarah Palin suggests a different approach :
“Let Allah sort it out”
Sell weapons to the idiots, at least make a profit off the mass murdering jihadis.
The longer they kill each other, the longer the civilized world can live in peace.
now there’s a thought!
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And if it were a Republican president it would be the other half voting yes….or we would already all be dust by now
Look at some of the particulars of this poll…
“President Obama gets a positive 52 – 43 percent rating for handling terrorism”
Was Boston forgotten already? I had no idea 52% of the people support door-to-door unwarranted paramilitary raids after a terrorist bombing of which was perpetrated by shitbags we were warned about by the Russians, no less. They even hinted their plans on Facebook – complete failure on all accounts considering what we know now of the NSA and their activities.
“Voters say 50 – 44 percent that Obama is honest and trustworthy”
This is utterly incomprehensible. How does one even begin to explain how a man, who does nothing but spout lies whenever his mouth opens, is honest and trustworthy? Benghazi was a spontaneous protest; Ft.Hood was workplace violence; the smartest person who ever walk the planet somehow missed the IRS data mining of Tea Party groups (which is what that ultimately was with the added bonus of holding up their applications to thwart their election season activities).
“52 – 46 percent that he has strong leadership qualities”
I guess spinelessly backing rouge regimes which coup d’etated (my new word) their way to power during the ‘Arab Spring’ is strong leadership. I guess ceding military command and control to France dealing with Libya is strong leadership. I guess drawing a Red Line on Syria then playing delay game tactics only to back down on that Red Line months after the fact is strong leadership. What shit…
And finally…”52 – 45 percent that he cares about their needs. ”
Who knew 52% of the people in the country were stock traders receiving billions of Federal Reserve Treasuries?!? Who knew?? Who knew…