Heading Out To Sea On The Jouletanic

The wind is too much and the rowers have apparently quit trying to reach land. They are headed out to open sea with a strong tail wind, poor visibility, no anchor and possible ice.  Where will they end up?

ScreenHunter_385 Jul. 29 13.01

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Heading Out To Sea On The Jouletanic

  1. kbray in california says:

    There is a small “Gilligan’s Island” ahead on the satellite.
    They are headed for the beach.

  2. They’re not rowing – they’ve tied themselves to an iceberg, and letting it pull them along.

    Either that, or they’ve thrown the GPS overboard, and letting it drift.

  3. Mike D says:

    From the July 29 post “The Smoking Hills Of Franklin Bay”:

    “There’s significant ice throughout the bay and our only choice is to travel south, deeply into it, until we find and adequately safe point to cross.”

    Going to be a long trip if they’re hugging the coast, but have to constantly look for safe shore areas to park and rest.

  4. Otter says:

    Check out Tom Nelson’s page. Mainstream first-to-be-last posted a picture of their boat caught in the ice, on Facebook. Tom took a screenshot of it- the picture appears to no longer be there.

  5. shazaam says:

    Missed this one.


    A photo of the primary propulsion system (feet & rope) with Growlers all around….

    • lance says:

      I figured as much a long time ago…they would find the shore line where the ice had melted and pull it along….however, that is only good for a while.

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