Hurricanes Tracking 2005 Season

So far this year there have been no hurricanes. This is very frightening, because it has exactly tracked the deadly 2005 season.

ScreenHunter_80 Jul. 06 12.24

Weather Street: 2013 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Hurricanes Tracking 2005 Season

  1. omnologos says:

    was it in 2005 they started naming every puff of cloud?

  2. Ho-Ho. I was wondering where you were going with this, and I was going to comment that I would wait until we saw four category 5 hurricanes, as in 2005 (or 28 total atlantic storms, tropical and hurricane).

  3. ACR says:

    I think T.S. Chantel may be the first tropical storm of the 2013 season. Historically, the first tropical storm had a name beginning with the letter “A” and each successive storm would continue down the alphabet. Now that NOAA has started naming everything it can, two storms that failed to produce tropical storm strength winds were named — Andrea and Barry. The new practice makes it more difficult to keep track of the number of actual tropical systems.

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