If Obama Had A Son ….

MARTIN: Cause man dat nigga snitched on me

FRIEND: Bae y you always fightinqq man, you got suspended?

MARTIN: Naw we thumped afta skool in a duckd off spot

FRIEND: Ohh, Well Damee

MARTIN: I lost da 1st round 🙁 but won da 2nd nd 3rd . . . .

FRIEND:  Ohhh So It Wass 3 Rounds? Damn well at least yu wonn lol but yuu needa stop fighting bae Forreal

MARTIN: Nay im not done with fool….. he gone hav 2 see me again

FRIEND: Nooo… Stop, yuu waint gonn bee satisified till yuh suspended again, huh?

MARTIN: Naw but he aint breed nuff 4 me, only his nose

Articles: Why the Zimmerman Prosecutors Should Be Disbarred

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to If Obama Had A Son ….

  1. I. Lou Minotti says:

    You know, we brought this bullshit upon ourselves. Thomas Jefferson, et al, didn’t need slaves if the Founders weren’t so devoted to their scholarship, and actually plowed their own fields. The third-worlders now ruling America would still be in their god-forsaken homelands, pounding rocks together to make a fire from dried-up yakshit, while the Judeo-Christians in the West who neither gave them a fish to eat for a day, nor taught them to fish to eat for a lifetime, would be living in peace and quiet. Not until they BEGGED us to help them better themselves, that is.

  2. gofer says:

    The jury is probably afraid for their lives and will sacrifice Zimmerman or if he’s found not guilty, Obama’s DOJ will charge him with violating Martin’s civil rights and it drags on and on……all for political reasons.

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