It Must Be Someone Else’s Fault

Trayvon’s parents failed to raise him properly, causing him to degenerate from this :

ScreenHunter_69 Jul. 13 14.25

to this – in just three years :

ScreenHunter_433 Jun. 28 15.17

While suspended from school, he made the incredibly stupid decision to attack the neighborhood watch man. This got him killed, and his parents want someone else to pay for their criminally negligent parenting.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to It Must Be Someone Else’s Fault

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    You get angry when authorities confiscate your burglary tools and do not pay you to steal new ones.

  2. I really don’t understand the outrage by the blacks on this case. A black thug attacked a Hispanic man (who is also part black) and was killed. Now the blacks are threatening to riot and kill whitey. Whitey wasn’t involved in this at all, why are we being attacked?

    • That’s easy to explain.

      It is natural for predators to attack the weak, and white culture has been intentionally weakening itself to the point where there is little left to defend. White people are naturally selecting themselves out of existence, with their pathetic self-flagellation.

      The whole point of global warming is to make white children hate their parents.

    • gofer says:

      Look what they did to Paula Deen. The apology wasn’t enough even for something that happened 30 years ago. Using the N word to describe someone with a gun in your face is just unacceptable. IT wasn’t enough for them, they had to totally destroy her and she was a Obama supporter. They didn’t even take into account that her personal photographer, of 8 years, was a black man who said she didn’t have a racist bone in her body. Her sin was being a Southerner. MLK said, after visiting Chicago, that they were more racist than Miss or Ala., but the left hates the South because it diverts the attention away from their own hatred and racism.

      It’s because Zimmerman represented “authority”. How many times has it been said he was a “wannabe cop” or called a “mall cop”. If Zimmerman had been just another guy in the neighborhood instead of neighborhood watch, it would not be news. IT’s the perception of “cops” being racist against blacks. Every time a white cop shoots a black guy, then here come the race baiters.

      • I. Lou Minotti says:

        Don’t be “politically correct,” gofer. Call a spade a spade, in the most literal of terms. A nigger is a nigger, but only when they act that way–which is defined as “feel sorry for me, I’m oppressed by those smarter, more blessed, and with a better work ethic than mommy and daddy ever taught me.” My best apprentice in my trade was a young black kid, with a work ethic and a good family, and a heart to learn and work. He is now a general foreman for one of the most prestigious mechanical contractors in the greater Delaware Valley, and all of those who work for him can do nothing less than say he’s one of the best guys they’ve ever worked for. It’s about family, and more clearly, righteous family with a father more than willing to kick a little bit of disobedient ass.

  3. I. Lou Minotti says:

    10:00 pm EST. George Zimmerman found not guilty. Thank God, and let the riots from the third-world knuckle-draggers begin!

    • I. Lou Minotti says:

      It is unbelievably disgraceful what Florida’s “best” prosecutors have resorted to in order to defame a man who only wanted to protect what he worked for–his community, and his home and family. Truth still rules. I’m more than heartened. Zimmerman should now sue the prosecution for defamation of character. Especially “Bernie.” George and his wife and family would look good moving their furniture into Bernie de la Rionda’s latest place of lost residence.

    • squid2112 says:

      Thank God!

      Now, I will tell you, anyone harmed or killed in the aftermath (riots, or what ever) should be directly attributed to Obama and Holder (and a host of other accomplices), for it is they that have purposely fueled the flames of racism and divide. It is disgusting and ugly that those jackasses would stoop this low for political means.

  4. sunsettommy says:

    There is reports that Zimmerman is Not Guilty:…12113.15400.2.19214.….0…1c.1.19.psy-ab.GSDoNQ94vvA&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.cGE&fp=43343ac3cffa9ab0&biw=1280&bih=553

  5. Justice was served for a change, thanks be to God.

    I was wrong about the outcome. Perhaps this suggests that federal power to influence state and local government and private interests is not what it used to be.


  6. Chewer says:

    Post verdict, I see the entire left-wing MSM speaking in code by acting noble in the shittiest way thinkable. According to Al Sharpton, George, though found not guilty, is guilty as sin and will be back in court or worse very soon.
    The racist mentality has been aired for the past month all over the country and it isn’t coming from the white class…

  7. Traitor In Chief says:

    There will likely be random racial murders around the country in various cities over the next 60 days. ….. more than usual, that is.

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