Job Growth Success Under Obama

One sector of the US economy is booming under Obama.

ScreenHunter_178 Jul. 10 12.15

Automatic for the people by Jon Swaine – Telegraph

ScreenHunter_180 Jul. 10 12.22

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Job Growth Success Under Obama

  1. rw says:

    Post of the year!

  2. gator69 says:

    Good salesmen are great motivators! I certainly bought in.

  3. Chewer says:

    The ammunition manufacturers have all given their thumbs up for the salesman of the century, as well:)

  4. John M says:

    I like where you went with this! The source article, not so much…

    “Automatic for the people,” depicts the AR-15 as unnecessary, and its origin and popularity due to sexy marketing by a US firearms industry surging out of control. (Oddly, while mentioning the AK-47, the author gives both it and the Russian firearms industry a pass.) About halfway through he spouts this whopper:

    “For almost 200 years it was understood that this [2nd] Amendment’s authors were acting to protect their burgeoning country and its 13 states. As late as 1996 a federal appeals court in California restated the decisions of other judges around the US in past decades, ruling, ‘The Second Amendment is a right held by the states, and does not protect the possession of a weapon by a private citizen.’ Since the 1970s, however, one of the most aggressive and spectacularly successful lobbying operations in the country’s history has resulted in the wholesale reinterpretation of this founding principle.”

    Not sure where he got the 200-year understanding from, unless it was from “Arming America,” Michael Bellesisles’ discredited 2000 book based on a bunch of nonexistent records and made-up “facts.” SCOTUS, in DC v Heller (2008) and McDonald v Chicago (2010) ruled that the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is an individual right and that “the right to keep and bear arms [is] among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty” ( The author seems to suggest that SCOTUS was bought by lobbyists, but it was the unnamed California appeals court, rather than SCOTUS, that was doing the “wholesale reinterpretation.”

    The article’s graphics and “facts” are from, whose US funder is the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, a contributor to Priorities USA Action, the SuperPAC for Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign. (

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