Kansas Gets 12 Inches Of Rain, As Residents Work To End The Drought

Drought Drives Kansas Community to Act on Climate

July 25, 2013

According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s National Drought Mitigation Center, western and central parts of the state experienced the worst conditions. Droughts in these areas were categorized as “Extreme” and “Exceptional.”

Climate change makes devastating events like drought more frequent and more severe…the time for action is now,” said Giessel.

Drought Drives Kansas Community to Act on Climate | I Will

The exceptional Kansas drought has received 4-12 inches of rain during the past week.

ScreenHunter_409 Jul. 30 08.30

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States

During this week in 1936, two-thirds of the state was over 110 degrees.

ScreenHunter_144 Jul. 23 07.33

Apparently these Kansas geniuses never heard of the Dust Bowl.

ScreenHunter_410 Jul. 30 08.39

What kind of raging moron thinks they can control the climate?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Kansas Gets 12 Inches Of Rain, As Residents Work To End The Drought

  1. Cowpoke says:

    Said Thomas Jefferson: “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” Jefferson’s comment may be expanded to include most of today’s mass media; this is especially true of television. As American linguist Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa said: “In the age of television, image becomes more important than substance.” It is effectively visual lying, dictated by Marshall McLuhan’s observation: “The medium is the message.” For example, TV news programs often illustrate air pollution with a smoke stack emitting water vapor, implying it is pollution when it is anything but.

    Distortion and deception are accentuated by hyperbole.

  2. suyts says:

    Yeh, our extreme drought. I can’t remember a wetter July. I’ve got two full burn barrels in my back yard, out in the open. I haven’t been able to burn because my trash is too wet. It’s been that way for a couple of weeks now.


    Wetdry in Kansas

  3. TomC says:

    Last year was 14-18°F above normal for daily highs in Kansas 7/28-29 – alarmists flip out
    This year was 22-25°F below normal for daily highs in Kansas 7/28-29 – alarmists silent

  4. Andy DC says:

    The exceptional drought areas of New Mexico and Arizona are not doing bad either.

  5. Olaf Koenders says:

    Looking at the image of the dead cows.. what’s a “drouth”?

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