Katherine Hayhoe Explains The Science Behind Global Warming

ScreenHunter_49 Jul. 13 06.07

climate change has been kind of coming in and removing some of those other numbers off the dice and putting in more sixes

Climate Change and the Drought: An Interview With Katharine Hayhoe | StateImpact Texas

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Katherine Hayhoe Explains The Science Behind Global Warming

  1. Jeffk says:

    Yes climate. What a clever boogeyman we humans have always had to deal with. Now lemme finish my federal grant application ….

  2. RCM says:

    Sigh. She was doing pretty well until close to the end where she suddenly had to acknowledge the supreme power of [strike]God[/strike] man-caused-global warming.
    I have started toying with these people lately by pointing out that because Russia! China, and India totally ignore any carbon emissions controls, our efforts in the U.S. really amount to throwing pennies in the ocean. Then I make a statement about how we really should at least TRY to save the planet for future generations. When they nod approvingly, I suddenly ask them if we should go to war to save the planet. It’s fun watching their heads explode!

  3. Bill says:

    Good point RCM. Nuclear winter would certainly cool the planet. I may try that approach with someone soon as well.

  4. gator69 says:

    Eeeeeeek! 666 weather! Repent and give all treasure to the Almighty (government)!

  5. Andy Oz says:

    She sounds like one of Charles Mansen’s acolytes.

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