Kiwi Forecasts That Water Will No Longer Freeze At -30C

Once the summer sea ice has gone, it’s only a question of how long it will take for the winter ice to disappear.

Arctic sea ice time bomb ticking: the bang’s gonna be huge

The North Pole receives no sunlight for six months a year, and temperatures average -30C during the winter. It isn’t clear to me how anyone could possibly be stupid enough to believe that water won’t freeze at temperatures that cold.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Kiwi Forecasts That Water Will No Longer Freeze At -30C

  1. Pathway says:

    It isn’t clear to me how anyone could possibly be stupid enough to believe that water won’t freeze at temperatures that cold.

    And there you have it.

  2. chris y says:

    It’s quite clear how this *might* happen. Even though Hansen now thinks the tropical oceans won’t boil, they still can heat to at least 90 C. The resulting superexponential currents will continuously transport gargantuan amounts of hot water to the Arctic basin, where it will prevent freezing.

    Some people may be curious as to how several Watts/m^2 heating anomaly in the tropics can compensate for hundreds of Watts/m^2 radiative and convective cooling in the open Arctic ocean in winter, but you just no never mind those details. Besides, the one hundredth of a degree temperature rise of the deep oceans will come back to haunt us, delivering less than a hundredth of a degree temperature rise in the future.

  3. miked1947 says:

    The CO2 blanket will create a perpetual twilight in the Arctic and maintain a tropical atmosphere. It will be the next winter vacation paradise. The warmth will by-pass the mid latitudes and start residing in the polar regions. All the cold will move to the mid latitudes. Big Al told me so. The same time the sea levels rise 200 ft and we have Unicorns for transportation.

  4. Kyle K says:

    No ice, no cold is their… theory.
    Guess they figure Greenland being green again is the end of the world.

  5. hazze says:

    I started to make list of all the ways humanity has been doomed to perish in written history…i had to stop after one day…just Google had gigapetazillon volumes…its a malfunction in our panicsystem.

  6. kirkmyers says:

    The “climate change” alarmists will never quit spreading their doom-and-gloom message as long as the lucrative research grants keep pouring in. They’re sitting on the Mother Lode, courtesy of Joe Q. Taxpayer and a few very wealthy foundations. If the AGW scare goes away, they’ll be scrambling for money. They’ll have to invent another apocalyptic story.

  7. scizzorbill says:

    A simple question deserves a simple answer: The winter ice will disappear when the Sun expands and consumes the first three planets.

    • Gamecock says:

      Myth. The sun will expand because of reduced gravity. As its gravity is reduced, earth’s orbit will expand.


  8. Tip: hold down alt & type 0176 on the keypad = °
    hold down alt & type 0177 on the keypad = ±

    Lots of you guys use degrees a lot, thought you might like that…

  9. Billy Liar says:

    hold down alt & type 0178 on the keypad = ²

  10. Kaboom says:

    It probably involves a cunning plan with pipelines, the Dead Sea and solor/wind powered pumping to increase salinity of the arctic waters.

  11. Bill says:

    Well, it was predicted by a climate model, so now its the consensus, right?? 🙂

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