MainstreamFirstLast : Pulling Their Puds For Climate Propaganda

After driven around the Beaufort Sea to avoid the ice, and being stuck in the McKenzie River Delta for a week – the big question at this point is “will they make it through any part of the Northwest Passage?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to MainstreamFirstLast : Pulling Their Puds For Climate Propaganda

  1. stewart pid says:

    On their facebook page one of their fan boys said no ice for hundreds of kilometres … somehow I think not.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    Stupid is as Stupid does?

  3. Chewer says:

    There’s nothing like a beating of a life time:)

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    They are praying for some winds out of the south and west to help them get to Tuk.

    When they experience the clouds of Arctic mosquitoes that will arise up out of the scrub and attack their soft, tender southern skin they will stop praying for those winds.

  5. Richard Lynch says:

    Here is my question: if they are following (in reverse) the route Amondson took in 1906 or whatever it was, how is it a sign of climate change that they can do it now?

    • Anthony S says:

      It took Amundsen more than one summer to make his transit, so if the rowers can do it in one, that presumably means that the sea is clearer of ice. Judging by their current progress however….

  6. Markus says:

    Records on this Date in Tuktoyaktuk, NT
    Record Low
    -1°C 1967
    Record High
    31°C 1961

    Thurs. Overnight
    Variable cloudiness
    Variable cloudiness
    Feels like -5
    P.O.P: 30%
    Wind N 15 km/h
    Wind gust –
    Humidity 89%

  7. squid2112 says:

    But where is Reggie on this matter?

  8. Mainstream’s website shows the last position on Wednesday. Either the rowers are stuck on their island, or the website needs updating.

    • Richard Lynch says:

      They are hunkering down behind a pingo, waiting for conditions to improve. I don’t see how they expect to finish their journey if they have to stop rowing every time the wind picks up.

  9. Chewer says:

    The crew are on the move again and are looking for success:)

  10. Betapug says:

    Facebook page shows the boat moored to a piling and them squatting at a burning driftwood log on the beach.
    Caption reads; “Still storming! Gale force winds here on the Yukon Coast. Time for a fire!” Smoke, however is not streaming away, water is only rippling and they are not in the Yukon but in Northwest Territories. Can they be lost already?

  11. R. Shearer says:

    Let’s see averaged 0 kmpd for past couple of days, so 1500 km/0 kmpd is indeterminate.

  12. Billy Liar says:

    There’s a new post up on the mainstream website. Apparently they’re ‘chilling‘ waiting for the winds to die down. 🙂

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