Manhattan Sea Level Rose Twice As Fast From 1928 To 1948

The sea level rise rate at Manhattan has been steady for 150 years, except for 1928-1948, when it rose twice as fast.

ScreenHunter_182 Jul. 10 17.18

Data and Station Information for NEW YORK ( THE BATTERY)

This proves that the earth is doomed by mindless alarmist cherry pickers.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Manhattan Sea Level Rose Twice As Fast From 1928 To 1948

  1. Billy Liar says:

    The sea level rise rate at Manhattan has been steady for 150 years, except for 1928-1948, when it rose Manhattan sank twice as fast.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    New York FEMA climate rapid response team in action:
    “The sea level is rising and the only guys with an ark are tooling around in the arctic??!! Reggie!! Tell that rowing team to get off their asses and row down to New York and save those poor people. They are all about to drown!!

    What’s that? In about 10,000 years?
    Right. Right. WTF!

    Reggie? Cancel that order.”

  3. michael says:

    The trend line, 1852-2013, looks just like the trend line everyplace else.

  4. michael says:

    This kind of short-term imagining of trends is an illusion. Take a look at 1890-1920. Isn’t that the same kind of “trend”? Now look at 1950-1970. Isn’t that also a “trend”? So now we have three periods within the overall timeline that show trends exceeding the long-term trend. Your point is?

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