On Sunday, the Republican senator John McCain added his name to those calling for the law to be changed. Speaking on CNN’s State of the Union, he said that he did not question the jury’s decision in the Zimmerman case. But he added: “I can also see that the ‘stand your ground’ law may be something that needs to be reviewed by the Florida legislature or any other legislature that has passed such legislation.”
Calls for ‘stand your ground’ review grow after day of Trayvon rallies | World news | guardian.co.uk
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in other words…he’s just blathering something again without a clue
Well presented.
The rebublican party over the years has been infiltrated by the Progressive Left. McCain is what you call the Manchurian Candidate.
Manchurion Candidate? MacCain is just a dementing old hack. We currently have a lot of dementing old hacks in the Congress and Senate. They should all retire.
We need term limits in Congress.
This guy was the alternative to BO in 2008. He has a career of changing his stand on issues like the wind to suit political necessity. There is nothing he won’t say or do.
In the meantime, WWF Partners With Country Where Rape Victims Are Jailed
A “do not stand your ground law” that only applies to women.
Let’s hope the United Arab Emirates doesn’t become a breeding ground for global warming conventions, but chances are alarmists have already booked their flights.
A third of the Stand Your Ground cases were used by blacks as a defense and they were successful 55% of the time. If not for the law, there could be a lot more blacks in prison. Why can’t these idiots point out that the law benefits all people that are in that situation?
worse yet, the percentage of successful “stand your ground” defenses for black’s, far outnumber the ration proportionate to their percentage of the population. Simply put, black’s use it more, and black’s are also more successful with it. Food for thought.
Democrats need to keep blacks dependent. Self defense by blacks hurts the Dems.
Explain the justification for drone strikes if retreat should be the first option over defensive force.
You’ll note that the most vociferous of the mouth-foaming morons are the ones who have armed guards around them 24/7. Let’s have Sen. McStain walk through a ghetto at night, alone, and see how long he backs the repeal of SYG laws.
On a brighter note, Hooters has a new logo
Keep a throw-down weapon handy. If you ever have to use deadly force to protect yourself and loved ones, put a throw-down weapon on or near the corpse. It could be a screwdriver, box cutter, hammer, tool of any kind.
At a distant point from the age of 16, maverick and dementia merge into one thing.