So far this month, temperatures in Missouri have been almost 10C cooler than July, 1934
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Thanks, Steven, for reporting what we in Missouri have been experiencing.
That is one of many reasons we know Al Gore, the UN’s IPCC, the US National Academy of Sciences, the Nobel Prize Committee, and UK’s Royal Society are fabricating misinformation to control the public.
A correction and postscript to my July 4 message to the Space Science and Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives is posted at the top of my web page:
The postscript identifies a few of the very talented, but now deceased,
individuals and experimental findings that correctly describe our
relationship to the creative force of every atom, life and world in the Solar System — a larger version of the force that decided the winner of WWII: Neutron Repulsion in the Sun’s pulsar core.
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA PI for
Apollo Moon Samples
Hi Oliver, mainstream nuclear physics says that nuclear forces are attractive at long distances and repulsive at short. Does your neutron repulsion also have an attractive counterpart, or is it only between dissimilar particles? Do you have an explanation for why they attract, I mean, are you proposing some kind of “nuclear charge” that is different for protons and neutrons?
The counter-part to short range repulsion between neutrons is long-range gravitational attraction between the expanded form of neutrons, H-atoms.
Basic interactions between two forms of one fundamental particle (neutrons/H-atoms) comprise every atom in the cosmos and its expansion and collapse of the universe in one cosmic cycle.
Thanks for your answer.
Your comment seems to imply that long range attractive nuclear forces are in some way “equivalent” to gravitational forces, is that what you mean? Gravitational forces fall according to the inverse square law (Newton) but attractive nuclear forces are usually modeled using a finite well, to account for sharp/well defined surface and saturation. Do you think that this type of description could be the result of gravity + short range neutron repulsion, as defined in your model? I read your paper “Attraction and Repulsion of Nucleons:Sources of Stellar Energy” (Journal of Fusion Energy 19, 93-98 (2001)) and found it very intriguing, and the possibility of the energy of the Sun to have a more direct connection with the forces that keep/define the structure of the nucleus, instead of merely chaotic fusion (mainstream) very interesting.
I’m trying to find the connection between the ideas you’re proposing and mainstream science. I believe your proposal is closer to the correct explanation of the anomalous decay of some radiative elements (Purder,Stanford) than mainstream is.
Here and in the Texas thread a very sharp oscillation from 2012 to 2013,
I believe it’s due to the important change in the AMO in the same period, which could lead to the flip of the oscillation to its negative phase in the months ahead.
The recent changes of the AMO were driven by the changes in air circulation (Hadley cells) and declining solar radiations.
The opacity placed in front of incoming and outgoing photons of all flavors is the only direct measurement we are capable of that determines near-term heating/cooling effects.
We (climatologists) don’t measure the opacity levels ever, and are therefore quite ignorant, especially since we do not measure absorption, reflection or diffusion within any of the spheres within our magnetosphere, including the planets surface, which is the mode of direct heat/heat loss calculated from the multitude of solar wavelengths creating via diurnal impact.
Outgoing LWR and incoming IR are measured intermittently with best guesses used for model input and represent the worst BS, beyond belief.
A 72 picosecond period during a X6.9 solar event outweighs 55 days of normal activity, yet the science is settled, with carbon dioxide (mans contribution only) causing massive planetary disruption.
We have way to many ass wipes practicing political science with science degrees, and way to many journalists with IQ’s below 40:)
Luckily for us all, the majority of the population are brighter than the propaganda artists!
Thanks for “telling it like it is !”
Unfortunately the propaganda artists have succeeded for sixty-eight years (2013 – 1945 = 68 yrs).
About all we can do now is encourage everyone to “google” and read the book, “1984” that George Orwell started writing in 1946 to warn of approaching tyranny.
After the UN was formed on 24 Oct 1945, a tyrannical government took over the whole world, supported by so-called scientific research. It will not be easily removed.
With deep regrets,
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
“… A 72 picosecond period during a X6.9 solar event outweighs 55 days of normal activity… ”
This is impressive. I had it clear in my mind that strong flares would have an important immediate effect on Earths climate, by just following the data and personal observation during periods of strong radiation, but this number goes beyond what I was thinking, even considering that usually the flares are not directed towards Earth.
Unfortunately we (humans) usually learn more from pain and problems than from rational thinking and humble desire to learn. We’re still “toddlers” in terms of scientific knowledge, but we have lots of arrogance!
No pain; No gain.
“To know that you don’t know is best.”
Simply put, the sun warms the earth, keep spraying chemicals in the sky and the sun’s light will be diminished. Mankind, especially the inbred elite, think far too much of themselves and in reality, are far less than the average human, in every way, except for their incredible ability for self-delusion, lying and corruption.
In response to the excellent comments raised by others,
On 24 Oct 1945 frightened world leaders formed the UN to save themselves from the power that vaporized Hiroshima & Nagasaki on 6 & 9 Aug 1945.
In 1946 the integrity of science started to disappear to hide the creator, destroyer & sustainer of life:
Neutron repulsion in cores of atoms, stars, planets & galaxies.
For reasons given in the postscript, we need not be concerned about the ending.
Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA PI for
Apollo Moon Samples
All religions tell the same ending to this 68 year drama:
1. Truth is victorious; never untruth.
2. Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations.
3. Blesses are the poor, for they shall inherit the Earth.
4. And every knee shall bow.