NASA’s Josh Willis Apparently Believes That It Is OK To Lie To The Press

“There is no question that the time to prepare for sea level rise is now… We will definitely see 7 feet of sea level rise — the only question is when,” Josh Willis, a scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told

Our best estimates of sea level rise in the next 100 years are 3 to 4 feet, but we can’t completely rule out 6 or 7 feet. Such a rise would devastate coastal communities that are unprepared,” Willis said.

States battle surging seas — despite uncertainty among climate scientists | Fox News

The highest IPCC estimate is less than half of that, and the highest measured rates are less than a third of what he is claiming. Who is he speaking for? Him and the mouse in his pocket?

ScreenHunter_08 Jul. 18 23.49

FAQ 5.1 Figure 1 – AR4 WGI Chapter 5: Observations: Oceanic Climate Change and Sea Level

As far as Fox News claim that the seas are surging – that is complete unmitigated nonsense. The west coast of the US has seen no sea level rise for 30 years. Where do these people come up with this crap?

ScreenHunter_02 Jul. 12 11.06

Data and Station Information for ALAMEDA (NAVAL AIR STATION)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to NASA’s Josh Willis Apparently Believes That It Is OK To Lie To The Press

  1. Billy NZ says:

    After studying sea levels and temperatures for years,my best estimate is a sea level drop of one to two feet.However,I can’t rule out a drop of 5 to 6 feet.That would be catastrophic to the value of al gore’s beach front property.

  2. Billy NZ says:

    That is my best estimate for 2051

  3. Billy NZ says:

    So I’m not one of the 97 percent?I’m gutted.PMSL

  4. John Silver says:

    Why did they rule out 4 to 6 feet?

  5. Reblogged this on The Firewall and commented:
    NASA: Not our job to tell the truth.

  6. Gamecock says:

    Josh Willis, a scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

    Why is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory talking about sea level ?!?!

    Time to cut NASA’s funding.

  7. slimething says:

    RPS had multiple discussions with Josh Willis on his blog going back to 2007. I used to email Dr. Pielke questioning Willis’ motives. Once I saw a video of a presentation he gave, all thoughts of him being a level headed objective scientist went out the window. He is not much different than Trenberth/Santer/Schmidt/Oppenheimer and the rest of the AGW alarmists.

  8. Isn’t Josh Willis in charge of the ARGO network? There goes another dataset.

  9. climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Anthropogenic Global Alarmism and commented:
    NASA’s former chief climate commissar Jim Hansen certainly left more than his carbon footprint at space land!

  10. phodges says:

    Their own latest report says 1-2mm per year…I believe that to be about 4″ per century, but I am no scientists, I studied philosophy.

  11. habilus says:

    From the folks at Colorado University, Sereeze and co.:

    “The global mean sea level (GMSL) we estimate is an average over the oceans (limited by the satellite inclination to ± 66 degrees latitude), and it cannot be used to predict relative sea level changes along the coasts.”

    If it has no predictive value, then why are we listening to them?

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