Not Supporting A US Carbon Tax Makes You As Bad As Hitler

ScreenHunter_172 Jul. 24 18.45

‘MILLIONS WILL DIE’ without a carbon tax to fix global warming, says a New Jersey U.S. Senate candidate in his online campaign ad | Mail Online

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Not Supporting A US Carbon Tax Makes You As Bad As Hitler

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    The scary thing is that Holt is a physicist.

  2. Jeffk says:

    The predicting of future events is allowed because charlatans rely on dumb masses’ esteem for god-like science and tech. We subconsciously assign God-like abilities to scientists. Only God knows the future but secularists think scientists can, too.
    Maybe science fiction can by hit or miss accuracy.

    • Otter says:

      Who’s this ‘we,’ Kemosabe? 😉

    • Richard T. Fowler says:

      Jeffk, I don’t know if you’d agree with me, but my view of that is that there used to be in science a diversity of paradigms permitted such that one would see secularists (whose faith I’m certainly not defending) whose predictions were sometimes useful precisely because they knew or had some idea of their own limitations and factored them into their predictions. And due to this former culture of diversity, one would also see many persons of other faiths (besides secularism) whose predictions were sometimes useful for the same reason.

      This old philosophy of science — though many of its practitioners would be loath to admit it — implicitly acknowledged the existence of the supernatural, for without that there would be no inherent reason for an advanced science to have so much uncertainty about the future.

      Today what we see, particularly with the younger generations, is a sea change — a new contempt for the old philosophy of science, and a new Hitleresque (or if you will Leninesque) zero-tolerance policy toward paradigmatic diversity, born of the philosophy that scientists (particularly those younger generations of them), merely by the fact of showing up to practice their craft, are inherently infallible in their pronouncements (at least when made ex cathedra, i.e. from their office or in an institutional setting.)

      So the implication of this new philosophy is that from the moment the new “scientist” puts on the “robes” of “science” so to speak, he becomes somehow invested with omniscience and can therefore make infallible predictions about whatever matters may interest him. Of course reality collides with this frequently, which means that much of the average “scientist’s” work today comprises:

      1. Reworking past predictions to conform with subsequent history.
      2. Falsifying data to conform with previous predictions.
      3. Extensive subliminal programming and reprogramming of both the public and colleagues so that they will forget what was actually predicted/measured in the past and believe that a newly inserted past actually happened … thereby preserving the all-important illusion of scientific infallibility.

      In fact I think that this process is now such old hat that many “scientists”, just like Winston Smith, are no longer always consciously aware of what they’re doing, and thus have begun to believe their own lies. To do so requires doublethink.


      • Jeffk says:

        Steven previously ran a post on Ike’s military industrial complex speech as being applicable to climate scientists.
        That we the public revere scientists and don’t question them, not unlike religious scribes at the temple. Even if not consciously. And the ones who predict futures of doom are like false prophets of yesteryear.
        Coincides with public distorted views of God, finding substitutes. It’s nothing new. Palm readers and crystal balls.

      • Justa Joe says:

        Your take is edifying, but you seem to omit one very important component. Whatever a given scientist is selling must be endorsed by the popular media culture or it is marginalized or ridiculed. Skeptical scientist like Lyndsen aren’t promoted. They’re ignored or worse.

        What warmist ‘scientists’ are preaching is only supported because it is a raison d’être for the agenda that the media/govt complex is seeking to implement. The media/govt complex is so drunk with power that they think that they can pretty much put anything over on the great unwashed, and so far they’ve been successful more often than not.

        • Richard T. Fowler says:

          While editors tend to fancy themselves as highly influential dividers of the valid from the invalid, the reasonable from the unreasonable, and the desirable from the less desirable among prevailing thoughts, in my first-hand experience they are just as programmed and credulous as anyone else, if not more so. Since they tend to endorse things that they’re set up to endorse and attack things they’re set up to attack, they are little more than (very!) expensive marionettes.

          I imagine the same could be said for the producers of popular entertainment.

          Here’s a thought for you. The political process we’re considering can be likened to a football game.

          The mainstream natural scientists are the players, who:
          – make decisions about how to play the game, decisions that are ultimately of marginal significance to the combined profitability of all the teams in the league;
          – may sometimes cheat when necessary to “win” a game;
          – but who are generally believed to be right and of good intention, so the fans always try root for them whenever there’s any question about their judgment.

          The media are the cheerleaders, who don’t make any decisions for their team but are charged with maintaining a high level of energy for decisions that have already been made.

          The social scientists, the secular-humanist philosophers, and the politicians are the owners and league managers, who make all the really big decisions that ultimately determine where, when and how the players play and largely determine what the outcomes will be.

          People like Richard Lindzen are seen as non-pro players, or worse, opponents of the game, and are basically ignored unless they are perceived to present some kind of threat to the league, whereupon they are attacked relentlessly.


        • Jeffk says:

          That’s definitely a requisite. The Dem media naturally finds affinity for false prophecies, and spreads the word to increasingly secularist masses. Masses who vote themselves into doom. That future is certain.

  3. Mike says:

    Dr William Happer, physics professor at Princeton University talking about outlandish sea level rise claims and the politicians looking to cash in on it.

    “…. busybody politicians launch grand schemes in a variant of the old protection racket of organized crime”

    Dumbocrats are taking over from where the mafia and gangsters once ruled, their cashing in on the old security protection rackets on a fargrander scale. Hand over your money or global warming will destroy you.

    Easy money for doing nothing, carbon tax is a shakedown tax, the biggest white collar crimie in history. Climate models are the crime tools equivalent to the threat of concrete Nikes in the past.

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    Carbon tax calculator – degrees C of global warming averted:

    Even if put in 100% reduction and 4.5 deg C sensitivity, the temperature rise averted is embarrassingly tiny.

    • John B., M.D. says:

      As Ottmar Edenhofer said, this is about wealth redistribution, not the environment.

      • Eric Barnes says:

        Yep. For many would-be scientists, the choice is to fall in line or get in the unemployment line. A choice that shouldn’t be necessary, but is the goal of the statist socialists.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    The chicken little’s are ramping up their alarmist rhetoric. I know where this methane is coming from, and it’s not coming from the Arctic. What a load of codswallop!
    Gail Whitman, one of the authors, has obviously been partaking in too much legalised Ganga in Rotterdam, prior to putting pen to paper. “Our model shows…. Blah blah”. Sheesh!

  6. I. Lou Minotti says:

    This left-wing alarmist has already done enough damage to America from his position as a Congressional Representative from North Jersey (D-12), and is to be numbered among a thankfully short list of “leftist luminaries” from this state. Beginning with Princeton and US President Woodrow Wilson (D), through Christie Todd Whitman (R), Jon “MF Global Corzine” (D)and Lisa Jackson (D), Holt has already left his mark without even being a Senator. How? The H.R. 5101 Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act of 2010, which he sponsored:
    This bill fits perfectly within the UN’s Agenda 21 plan for America, as it links federally designated wildlife zones together in the name of biodiversity, but at the expense of rural property owners. It also comports nicely with Obama’s Executive Order #13575 of June, 2011, establishing the “White House Rural Council.” The full United States map of these corridors has been published in “Taking Liberty: How Private Property in America is being Abolished” by Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D.
    The man was prescient–he presented the map to the U.S. Senate in 1994, thereby postponing this leftist plan for 18 years–until Holt came along, that is.
    More on these wildlife corridors can be found at:

  7. miked1947 says:

    GISS and NOAA teamed up to provide this bit of fantasy for us:

  8. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    How much stupid can you pack into one Eco Greenie moron?

  9. gofer says:

    Millions will die would be the dream of the eco-loonies and their obsession with over-population as long as it’s not them. There’s absolutely no reason to believe any of them would want to save any lives. They believe there’s just enough of them and too many of the rest of us. We have come to the ultimate punchline of the old joke, “They haven’t figured out a way to tax air, YET.” They are deliberating deceiving the public into believing that the tax is on actual pollution and polluters by using the word “carbon” instead of the true term. They don’t realize it’s actually a tax on the air they breathe and it’s natural components.

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