Obama Says That Building A 3,000 Mile Pipeline Can Be Done Without Workers

ScreenHunter_10 Jul. 30 18.34

Obama Bolsters Keystone Jobs Claim

On the other hand, he believes that bankrupt scam green energy companies will create five million jobs.

This is what happens when a third-world community organizer with no work experience gets the entire press corpse to put their knee-pads on.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Obama Says That Building A 3,000 Mile Pipeline Can Be Done Without Workers

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    I saw the quote of “50 permanent jobs”.
    He and his people truly are w/o shame (or totally daft).
    cheaper energy = more competitive = more jobs

    He’s an ass and the press won’t call him on it.

  2. This appears to be what happens when you make an activist president.

  3. shazaam says:

    Maybe the NSA has the goods on the whole lot? It could explain a few things.

    So they all toe the line or else…..

    And the presstitutes are just parrots for the white house press secretary. They are afraid to risk their “access” and get booted out of the WH press pool. So no one asks anything but pre-approved softball questions.

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Amazing that America can replace the entire workforce of all those Texas oil refineries with all those employees with just 50 Canadian workers.

    Because OBummer is your problem and our consequence.

  5. SMS says:

    The president doesn’t understand that a pipeline like the Keystone will take hundreds of people to maintain it and the pumping stations. Hundreds to keep track of the oil that travels down the line. It will employ people to manufacture the parts that will maintain the line.

    But the president would rather buy oil from his friends in Venezuela.

  6. Pathway says:

    This little essay by uncle Milty would explain it all to Skeeter if he just knew how to read.

  7. Chewer says:

    With a true and sincere hate of the American capitalist society, anything is possible.
    With a multi-forked approach, the collapse is doable, which is called a good old fundamental transformation.

  8. Actually the point of a healthy society is not work in or for itself. Work is just one means to an end. The real objective to be able to produce lots of affordable stuff that we can all enjoy. If we could all afford food, housing. healthcare, and leisure activities, and achieve this with part-time work, there would no complaints. This is what cheap energy helps to achieve.

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