Proof That Wisconsin Is Not Part Of The Earth

Hansen shows August global temperatures rapidly increasing since 1913, with 1913 being the coldest August of the century. (The summer of 1913 set the record for the world’s hottest temperature of 134F.)

ScreenHunter_198 Jul. 10 22.56

Raw GHCN data shows that there has been no change in Wisconsin August temperatures since 1895, and that 1913 was warmer than 2012.

ScreenHunter_230 Jul. 12 07.59

The R² correlation between Wisconsin August temperature and GISS global August temperature is almost zero (0.02.) The graph below shows the non-correlation visually.

ScreenHunter_232 Jul. 12 08.04

Wisconsin is officially not part of the Earth!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Proof That Wisconsin Is Not Part Of The Earth

  1. miked1947 says:

    I think it is more likely that GISS’ Earth is not part of the Earth!

  2. michael says:

    Hansen’s global figures are in broad agreement with these figures, showing mean sea level reconstructions since 1700:

    1700-1850 is uniformly cold, as seen in this proxy measurement (illustrating landlocked ice plus thermal contraction), while subsequent years grow progressively hotter and hotter.

    In science it’s considered to be significant when independent lines of measurement all point to the same conclusions. And it’s considered insignificant when some single region like Wisconsin shows data departing from the global norm.

    • gator69 says:

      Did you miss “reconstruction” in the address line? 😆

      Yes, The Mad Hansener is to be trusted, He is all knowing and can divine global temperatures hundreds of years ago from a handful of locations. A true miracle man! 😆

      Plus, he has never made a dime off of his alarmism, so no motive there! 😉

    • Ben says:

      RE: michael – “In science it’s considered to be significant when independent lines of measurement all point to the same conclusion”

      That is true in science, but in climate science when independent lines of evidence point to a different conclusion, those lines of evidence are suppressed from 1998 until 2013. see Dendroclimatology, Urals, Briffa, Facepalm.

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