Reader Poll : Is Obama Unaware Of The Trial In Florida?

Zimmerman verdict sparks worry of riots

Having worked hard to inflame racial tension in Florida, Obama seems to have forgotten to call for calm. Why is this?

  1. He has rigged the outcome?
  2. He doesn’t know about the trial?
  3. He wants riots as an excuse for martial law?
  4. Cat got his tongue?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Reader Poll : Is Obama Unaware Of The Trial In Florida?

  1. jeffk says:

    He doesn’t have an agenda, other than to respond to polls and news events in timely manners. That’s his only agenda, all the time.

  2. shazaam says:

    Naw, Tricky Dick II just has to many scandals on his plate to pay any attention to the trial.

    IRS, Bengazi, DOJ, NSA, DOJ promoting Zimmerman protests, Obamacare, Gitmo, etc. etc.

    Hell, I’ve even lost count…

  3. scizzorbill says:

    Revrum Jackson and Notsosharpton will do the shouting if acquitted. If that doesn’t happen, I’ll go with #1 and #3.

  4. Richard T. Fowler says:

    It’s not 3. Obama may want riots, but he does not want liberals rioting, he wants conservatives. And conservatives are not going to do anything violent as a result of a conviction of Zimmerman. And many liberals will riot anyway in the event of acquittal; Obama knows quite well that there is nothing he can say at this point to stop that. Having fanned the flames, he’ll just get blowback if he tries to put them out now.

    As for 4, that would be a first for him. Enough said.

    The answer can only be #1.

  5. Richard T. Fowler says:

    Comment in moderation due to careless typing of e-mail address. Please delete. Thanks.

    My comment again:

    It’s not 3. Obama may want riots, but he does not want liberals rioting, he wants conservatives. And conservatives are not going to do anything violent as a result of a conviction of Zimmerman. And many liberals will riot anyway in the event of acquittal; Obama knows quite well that there is nothing he can say at this point to stop that. Having fanned the flames, he’ll just get blowback if he tries to put them out now.

    As for 4, that would be a first for him. Enough said.

    The answer can only be #1.


    • Traitor In Chief says:

      I hear ya, but I think he’s still hoping for #3. But I don’t think it will be enough of a riot to matter, and probably won’t last that long. Local PD’s will bust some heads and city living libs will get their cars burned, maybe a few shot at as they drive to the Farmer’s Organic Market.

      After tearing up the cities, “Urban” youths will look around in wonder at why there is nothing left to ransack. And everything shut down.

      If they announce the verdict late in the month, the riots won’t go very long. When the postal service quits going out to their neighborhoods out of fear, everything will quiet down real quick…. just like in L.A. ….. because no postman, no welfare check.

      There were lines a mile long to every post office. All rioting ceased. Plus, they already had all the TV’s and sofas from Best Buy and what not.

      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        Obama wants Zimmerman convicted, because he wants a message sent that it is unconscionable for a non-Black person who is not with the government to investigate a Black person for any reason. He considers this an outrageous invasion of privacy and an unacceptable refusal to accept one’s “natural place”. He wants the system, the entire system, to bow to this. This is less about teaching individuals a lesson as it is about teaching the system to bow to and respect a new order.


    • I. Lou Minotti says:

      Conservatives (i.e. true Americans) would never start riots. The MO of the left (not liberals in the true sense of the word, but Communists), is to piss off common-sense people to the point where they engage in foolish actions. In other words, Obama and his Alinskyite (Hillary included) ilk can only win by provocation, and that’s what they’re doing their god-damnest to incite.

      • I. Lou Minotti says:

        Otherwise, my answer is behind door #3. Keep your powder dry.

      • Chewer says:

        Agreed, and I do believe they are perplexed at how long and how hard it is for them to accomplish their mission. Hatred of our American Capitalist society has blinded them in their quest and we can easily see their frustrations in the ad-hoc and sloppy methods they’ve incorporated in haste!

  6. Chewer says:

    He’s exercising his right to create havoc and ill will and just following his mothers example:)

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