Global Warming is Turning The North Pole Into The North Pool | Care2 Causes
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AWWW!! So touching. So sickening that no one bothers to check the facts.
Facts, facts, we don’t need no stinking facts. I know it’s old and over used, but fits nicely.
Global warming is turning social media into a cesspool of brain dead dipshits. If it weren’t for Coca-Cola commercials, those idiots wouldn’t have the first clue as to what a polar bear even looks like, and outside of that, they apparently still have no clue. To me, this is the saddest part. Every time I believe I have witnessed the dumbest people/person in the world, I am sadly proven wrong.
It’s not Republican’s, it’s Democrats and mainly it’s elite 1% corporate bankers, German owned Monsanto & BASF, Pepsi, Coke, Kraft, Dupont, makers of Glyphosate GMO’s used with nuclear waste and it’s byproducts Fluoride, barium and aluminum salts killing trees and animals. Elites are using NASA and military and DHS to steer storms to ruin land and people and animals worldwide, as they melt the poles. Check out Rev Michelle Hopkins youtube channel, Alex Jones youtube channel, and learn what science is being used to destroy all that God made and holds dear. Thank you.
I wonder when and where that picture was taken.
The real world looks more like this,
and I feel relieved that the polar bears are having their habitat restored by Mother Nature, with the now increasing (again) icecap in the N. Pole.
The libs are right about one thing…. a lot of people are functioning on less than 3 watts….. mostly their constituency.
I love the gravatar icons. If you tried to tell them three nuclear submarines surfaced at the Pole in Spring of 1987 they would look at you with incomprehension.
Even Forbes is buying this North Pole is North Pool nonsense.
The author admits, just like any believer of AGW who knows at least a little about science, that the pool of water, by itself, is not proof of anything and probably happens every year. They’re just using the photo to drum up support since most believers don’t know anything about science at all.
A pool of melt-water appears in some godforsaken nowhere and this means what again? Must be a slow day in the news. MSM must be forever thankful for CAGW; constant stories out of nothing that no one really cares about.
I think it’s time for an ‘Adopt-a-Bear’ program. Let these bleeding hearts take a bear home, for safe keeping.
In order to comply with wildlife adoption rules they first have to spend 3 weeks with the animal in question in their natural habitat. Cuts down on the clean-up bills.
The first comment is a psychopath……the beautiful bears need to be relocated to be saved but those terrible babies in the strollers are just overpopulating the planet and that makes life unfair. That’s just bizarre.
Guess where this is going.Canoe country.
This Polar Bear is so weak that it can not stand on its feet .Please send some canoeists.
I note the caption “GET CAUSES IN YOUR INBOX”
Name a cause or we’ll create one for you. You too can feel smug and superior by donating a few bob. Suit bleeding hearts everywhere.
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A line from Dreamcatcher is not inappropriate:
(or something close to that)
Polar bear numbers are up partly due to the melting ice. Too much ice is bad.