Rowers Trapped By High Winds As Beaufort Sea Ice Races Towards Them

ScreenHunter_400 Jul. 30 04.14

The ice is moving towards them at a rate of 20 km/day.

ScreenHunter_401 Jul. 30 04.16

icespddrf2013072818_2013072900_035_arcticicespddrf.001.gif (862×876)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Rowers Trapped By High Winds As Beaufort Sea Ice Races Towards Them

  1. @NJSnowFan says:

    The better hope Polar bears are not on that island, they have almost no fear of people and will eat the guys.

    I tell you one thing they should of had TV crew/show made of everything.
    Would of made good survival show.

    Angry Arctic Summer of 2013 continues and temps are starting to get colder.

    From the data, Arctic may start to re freeze early by 2 to 3 weeks this year.

    I am getting feeling they may be close to throwing in the towel soon. They have been through so much this month I do not know how they can take much more.

    Not having back a up anchor is a huge problem.

  2. David says:

    They have been using “air bolts” to anchor to the “air ice” to deal with the lost anchor. In the mean time Reggie is looking for a bucket of steam to melt the ice.

  3. The Iconoclast says:

    That shit looks really dangerous. They’ve got guts, misguided as they may be. Is anyone other than realscience following them? They’ve only got 116 signatures on their energy climate petition. That’s like one signature per four hours of rowing.

  4. D$ says:

    They look in serious trouble if you ask me…. Look at the GPS tracker. Middle of the ocean not going anywhere.

  5. Richard Lynch says:

    Meanwhile the kayakers are on the move again. It will be interesting to see if the catch up to the rowers.

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