So What Do They Do Now?

They are stuck on a small island about 1/4 mile in diameter. The wind isn’t forecast to change anytime soon. The weather sucks, they haven’t had a shower and (hopefully) haven’t been laid in months.

The worst thing is that probably don’t have enough shotgun shells to even do any skeet shooting. Perhaps they can engage in the Canadian national sport, and bash baby seals with clubs?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to So What Do They Do Now?

  1. Sounds like a Pirates of the Caribbean type situation

  2. stewart pid says:

    Several of the rowers have gotten some action … Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald!!

  3. Fred Allen says:

    I wold imagine the big boy pants come on here should they want to move on. A lot of ice encrusted open water to the next destination unless they go south.

  4. kbray in california says:

    4 little Beach Babies.
    A little First Class for the Last First:

    “On the beach from July ’till September…”

  5. The Iconoclast says:

    “The fact that it’s been an abnormally robust ice year – in recent years – weighs heavily as well. We know if we succeed under such circumstance our expedition will speak to the reality of climate change even louder still.”

    12 miles in 8 hours today… *cackle*

    Y’know, these guys really could die out there. I wonder how much they thought about that, and how failure under such circumstances will speak to the reality of climate change.

  6. Chewer says:

    I’d imagine they have a backup (Savior) plan ready to implement…
    Maybe a Chinook Helicopter to the rescue.

  7. shazaam says:

    Where’s the leading edge of the ice?

    I bet the friendly local with the outboard & tow rope is to smart to go anywhere near that island.

  8. Richard Lynch says:

    How did you find out they were on a small island? I saw nothing about that on their web site. It appears to show them out in open water.

  9. Streetcred says:

    “[ … ] haven’t been laid in months.”

    I wouldn’t bet on that 😉

  10. Anto says:

    They actually did pretty well today. Made more progress than they’ve probably ever made. I do agree, however, they are in a very exposed position, but making it around Cape Parry was pretty well done. They must be exhausted, though.

  11. StuartMcL says:

    It’s worth noting that with all the ice they are encountering, they are still only about Latitude 70 – some 2000km South of the Pole.

  12. bubbagyro says:

    Tired? No, it is a cake walk (cake paddle??)—they are likely bored to tears. To relieve their boredom, let’s relocate a dozen or so mother polar bears with their cubs to the little island. They are so cute and cuddly! Oh, the resultant fun, and hide-and-seek hi-jinks will provide the bored paddlers with the break they need. Oh!, Did I hear a loud snap??

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