Obama believes that if the peasants give him more money, the weather will be better.
It is mind-boggling that we have someone with an intellect that primitive in the White House in 2013.
Obama believes that if the peasants give him more money, the weather will be better.
It is mind-boggling that we have someone with an intellect that primitive in the White House in 2013.
The very reason overly-concerned citizens self-organize into soul-destroying attack vector bureaucracies is to birth reasonable heroes, where otherwise none might exist.
In other news, Bill Nye is fighting asteroids instead of antibiotic-resistant plague.
It always costs money to remove an evil curse.
Every gypsy fortune teller on the corner will tell you that.
Obama doesn’t believe that. Obama believes that the peasants’ money is his; this is his excuse to take it.
Not his “excuse” to take it, he already has all the “excuses” he needs. This is his “con game” to take it by conning the peasants into willingly surrendering it. Who is at fault here? The corner gypsy (Obama) or the stupid sheeple willing to surrender their freedom and treasure? Make no mistake, Obama is the lowest form of scum on the earth, but the stupid sheeple of this planet are equally complicit.
He’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing and the 47% are too stupid to see him for what he is.
The 47% do not care, so long as the freebies are delivered on time. They live in the present without a care beyond their next happy-meal.
It’s when the gravy train runs dry that it gets very interesting.
Socialism appears to work until you run out of “other peoples money” to spend. Then things get mighty ugly as the 47% will turn on the hand that was feeding them and supplying them with their “bread and circuses” (Obama phones, etc.).
Oh-Bomb-Ya is almost out of other peoples’ money to spend.
He’s a scammer that has learned how to go straight to the heart, meaning free rides gains votes and he doesn’t give a shit about trust, since that has been eroded to irrelevancy, thanks to the progressive pieces of shit.
If the ‘anointed ones’ peasants give him more money, calculate how many temperature credits they get in return for their investment by 2100 here ยป http://joannenova.com.au/2013/07/a-handy-dandy-carbon-tax-temperature-savings-calculator/
This is nothing new in the White House . Look at those before him. From the ” I did not have sex with that woman” until ‘ hope and change’ you only see primitive beings.
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We just need to sacrifice more jobs and liberty, then the collectivist gods will be happy.
He was probably a smart enough guy but, really, when you knowingly elect a self admitted hot-boxer what kind of depth of thought or logic can you really expect?
Peer reviewed study.