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What are they being towed by?
Their anchor – before they lost it.
Exactly, what is the rope attached to? Not that I am suspicious or anything. 🙂
Just think, this is the hottest time of year up there. Looks miserably cold and icy.
There’s Reggie, there . . . in the back, hiding in the ice. You can just see the tip of his blowtorch sticking up over the flow edge.
Somebody educate me . . . is that what rotten ice looks like? I’m surprised it’s so thick.
Rott causes bloating of the ice carcusses.
That’s why ice floats – it’s the methane! 😉
I wonder how much power that solar panel generates up there….you know, with the Arctic Blowtorch blasting away and all.
to top it all off….they did a really stupid thing……they tied up to an ice berg and went to bed….almost got crushed
From what I read, they anchored first and almost got crushed by the ice,
then they tied to an iceberg an almost got crushed again when it broke apart.
They made two basic mistakes – and they did it twice! They used too short an anchor line. They failed to post a lookout.
Reblogged this on The Firewall.
So how much have they changed the climate? Anybody know?
All that expended energy must have raised the world temperature — so how much?
.00000000000000000000000000000001C +/- 2C
I would book it for Paulatuk, due South and beg, borrow, or steal a new anchor.
And consider a rain check for the rest of the row.
For Sale …. used rowboat, useless in light winds. Only used for one month to make fools of the former owners.
Best offer 🙁
…does not include anchor.
Buyer collects.
Excellent whale harpooning platform. Plenty of storage space for clubbed seals. Sounds like a great buy! 😉
The are telling us that the North pole is ice free. Maybe the North pole ice traveled about 2200km to meet up with the rowing team. 😉
We had a family friend who was a member of the Flying Tigers, and it disgusts me that these frauds are using their shark face. If Woody were still alive, I would suggest he sue them.
The shark face wasn’t original to the Flying Tigers. They copied it.
The Tigers were the first squadron to adopt the shark face.
Not even close.
I see one plane…
“From the official AVG web site. http://www.flyingtigersavg.com/tiger1.htm
In describing the genesis of the name “Flying Tigers” and the group’s insignia, Chennault says:
“Before I left the United States in the summer of 1941, I asked a few friends in Louisiana to watch the newspapers and send me any clippings about the A.V.G. Now I was being swamped with clippings from stateside newspapers, and my men were astonished to find themselves world famous as the Flying Tigers. The insignia we made famous was by no means original with the A.V.G. Our pilots copied the shark-tooth design on their P-40’s noses from a colored illustration in the India Illustrated Weekly depicting an R.A.F. squadron in the Libyan Desert with shark-nose P-40’s. Even before that the German Air Force painted shark’s teeth on some of its Messerschmitt 210 fighters. With the pointed nose of a liquid cooled engine it was an apt and fearsome design. How the term Flying Tigers was derived from the shark-nosed P-40’s I never will know. At any rate we were somewhat surprised to find ourselves billed under that name. It was not until just before the A.V.G. was disbanded that we had any kind of group insignia. At the request of the China Defense Supplies in Washington, the Walt Disney organization in Hollywood designed our insignia consisting of a winged tiger flying through a large V for victory.”
There were examples of this design dating back to WWI, but the ONLY ENTIRE squadron with this design was the Tigers. Sharks have been with us for millions of years.
This may be a foolish question but where is the photographer standing? Do they have a second smaller boat? He’s certainly not standing on ‘dry land’, is he?
Obviously taken by an eco-warrior – don’t you know that they can walk on water….
Didn’t you mean skate on water?
The wind blew the ice into shore… the lads said “Lets get a picture in the ice” so they moved into shore – undoubtedly with the help of a passing local boat towing them…. “PR OPPORTUNITY” Expect this picture to appear tomorrow in the New York Time with caption “JOULETANIC FINDS GLOBAL WARMING LAST ICE WHILE ROWING ACROSS ARCTIC”… You know its all a bunch of BS… so I want to know if Ireland Mainstream CEO “Fast Eddie” would also like to buy some ice for $250,000 since he has funded this NW Passage expedition while Canadian companies said No Thank You – they knew you don’t row across the 3,500 mile NW Passage.
So…While I wholly agree this entire effort is just plain silly and dumb, doesn’t it on its own invalidate the concept of catastrophic AGW? These dispsh_ts are in VERY different and utterly hostile climate, they are complete morons, and yet still–somehow–they are surviving. So–if absolute morons can adapt, can’t the rest of the species? (If there was even anything to this whole pile of garbage…) Just a thought. Also, think of how much clean water could have been delivered in the 3rd world for the cost of this stupid publicity stunt….
They need to set watches. One man stays awake and watches for 2 hours while the other 3 sleep. If they fail to do this, sooner or later they are going to wake up one night with a sexually frustrated polar bear in the sack with them.