The prosecution failed to produce any evidence showing that Zimmerman committed murder, and the star prosecution witnesses made complete fools out of prosecution lawyers – so the jury is having a tough time deciding if they proved guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
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At least one of them is too busy figuring out how much money they’re going to be demanding for their upcoming book deal to bother coming up with the blatantly obvious “Not Guilty” verdict.
I agree, Steven. Meanwhile, change Zimmerman to an African-American, leave everything else the same … and watch how fast they’d be falling over themselves to acquit!
Such behavior is not racism per se, it’s just that there has been so much programming and brainwashing in schools and the media that people would find it very easy to do what they would be getting pressured to do anyway. But because, in this case, the pressure on them is in opposition to the facts, their brainwashing is getting in the way and creating hesitation and, I would imagine, some discord as well. Will they break free and successfully resist the pressure and the subliminal programming? We’ll see soon enough.
The progression of white racism in this country seems to have been: slavery > Jim Crow laws > bus seating arrangements > self-defense case involving a Hispanic guy who voted for Obama.
In the estrogen filled jury room I can see, in my minds eye, the crucial deliberations:
Juror 1: If I vote guilty, I can be a star on Oprah and the View
Juror 2: If I vote not guilty, I can be a star on The Factor and Hannity.
Juror 3: Which show has the best market share??
Juror 4: I don’t care which way we decide, either way I going to need a new dress, bag and shoes.
Juror 5: Me either. I’m just hoping that Bill Ayers is still available to ghost write, my new book “6 Angry Bitches”. Do I have to tell the judge about the publishers advance check I got?
Juror 6: Someone call the bailiff, I need a new box of tissues, that poor little boy Trayvon has me crying my eyes out. Plus I don”t think my homeowners insurance covers riots? Does anybody know if it does??
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The prosecution had every bit of information about the prospective jurors including voting registrations and seemed quite pleased with the selection. They know who they’ve had sitting and listening to their lies and are quite pleased the with the entire jury selection.
I think Steven makes a great point, which is essentially that if this were just about “What does Obama want?? Fine, where do I cast my vote?” then this would have been done many hours ago. On the other hand, with the fixing that has surely been in progress to make sure that jurors know “their safety can’t be assured” if they don’t toe the line, the defense needs a lot more than the facts on their side to pull out an acquittal. They need a shifting tide of public opinion, and a superb set of arguments. I’m not sure if they have it. My best guess is no, and that Zimmerman will be convicted of manslaughter by this jury. However he has an excellent case on appeal, which might ultimately boil down to where Anthony Kennedy stands on the matter!
Hmmm… that’s curious. I’m pretty sure there’s only one of me….
It’s not proof of anything, to be sure, but it’s a red county – in the presidential election they voted Republican (GOP 52.7%, Dem 46.2%, and 1% for everyone else combined.) So chances are at least some of them are Republican voters.
The Jury is made up of all women. Emotion will play a bigger role in their decision than lack of evidence.
Well, emotion can cut both ways. One more “feminine” way to look at it is that if Martin was a hoodlum, then Zimmerman almost died while trying to keep the likes of Martin out of their homes.
This is a very large case to get one’s mind around, and I’m not surprised that it’s taking a while. While I pessimistically expect that there will be a manslaughter conviction, I’m not sure. And I think that if you take out the jury tampering that I am convinced is happening, Zimmerman at least gets a hung jury — even with six women.
If IT goes beyond today, a hung jury looks more likely indeed!
Demonizing George seems to be the flavor of the day…
The only strange thing is that it took so long for them to come up with a unanimous verdict. Did they get some kind of instruction from the judge to discourage them from coming back with the obviously acquittal too quickly?
I like to think that they were trying to be patiently and methodically careful. I suspect they all knew the verdict that the press was calling for, but just couldn’t do it in the light of the evidence before them. Thus, to make themselves more comfortable in thecface of what they knew would be an unpopular decision, they did what a jury should do – reviewed all the evidence presented to them. I am proud of them; like all of you I was worried.