US Dictator To Exercise His Chemistry Expertise In Making Keystone Decision

I’m going to evaluate this based on whether or not this is going to significantly contribute to carbon in our atmosphere. And there is no doubt that Canada at the source in those tar sands could potentially be doing more to mitigate carbon release.

Interview With President Obama –

Why don’t those Canucks invent some carbon-free hydrocarbons?

Has it ever occurred to Obama that most of the people in the US probably don’t give a rat’s ass what his half-baked uniformed opinion is about anything?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to US Dictator To Exercise His Chemistry Expertise In Making Keystone Decision

  1. miked1947 says:

    He is only listening to the Experts like those at! Only the brightest minds advise Skeeter.
    I found their theme song:

  2. nigelf says:

    We don’t care too much up here in Canada what Bambi thinks about Keystone. It’s a matter of waiting until a change of Presidency and building our own pipeline to the west coast so we can sell it to China. They’re not so uppity about CO2.
    Steven Harper had it exactly right when he said approving it was a “no brainer”…Obama has no brain.

  3. Greg Locke says:

    What the F does that quote mean? “Potentially could be doing more”. And when did “carbon” become a problem? Does the man not understand that life on earth is carbon based? Science based decisions indeed.

  4. Jeffk says:

    Why are pipelines less palatable to greentards than big huge oil supertankers floating around on the oceans? Those break open sometimes on the water and cause much more enviro harm than a little pipeline on land could do.

  5. Who told Obama HE gets to decide, apart from the recommendations of the federal agency tasked to decide? Who is letting him get away with deciding, according to his own personal prejudices and self-interest? Answer: A dysfunctional government, on top of an incompetent scientific community. Science is being permanently stained (a truth that will reverberate long after we are all gone from the scene).

  6. Scuba says:

    the man not understand that life on earth is carbon based? Science based decisions indeed.

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