Western Arctic Sea Ice Coverage Third Highest On Record

I wonder why no one bothered to tell the rowers about this before they left Vancouver?

ScreenHunter_227 Jul. 12 06.01

ScreenHunter_226 Jul. 12 05.57

20130708180000_CVCHACTWA_0007152567.gif (1100×850)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Western Arctic Sea Ice Coverage Third Highest On Record

  1. Latitude says:


  2. Mike says:

    In the end it doesn’t matter what happens to the rowers, as the only outcome we will hear is that either the boiling oceans sank the boat or a global warming deranged polar bear ate them.

    Climate change induced failure, ’tis in the green bible, don’t ya know.

    • stewart pid says:

      That is our problem Mike …. we are all “global warming deranged” skeptics with Steven being the most affected. This is your brain on global warming stuff 😉

    • stewart pid says:

      I like it … that is Steven’s brain and he is making multi-millions with this site & we are just his bitches. All is clear now 😉

  3. Ben says:

    That chart can’t be right. Reggie said the ice would clear out faster than last year. He’s never wrong.


    RE: Reggie – “In the fact based universe, the North West Passage will be open even earlier than last year”

  4. Benny says:

    I believe God is right…Gen 8:22 “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”

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