What They Have To Look Forward Too

On the 1000:1 chance that the rowers make it through the next 2,000 km, here is what awaits them at the other end.

ScreenHunter_384 Jul. 29 12.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to What They Have To Look Forward Too

  1. Brad says:

    I doubt they are looking that far ahead after the past two days of calamitous activity.

  2. Looks rotten to me…

  3. shazaam says:

    Think lottery odds…. 1000:1 is waaaaay to high. More like 10,000,000:1 and likely much worse at the moment.

    Though that Brawndo Blowhard Blowtorch could be a game changer.

    Yet, since Reggie apparently dropped his pack of matches in the water, it’s unlikely that the rowers will get much help from team “I believe”. (they’re hustling back to warmer climes to purchase some more matches, drink beer and cheer team on)

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