What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Other than the fact that it is July 14 and the rowers are still stuck in the McKenzie River Delta and that they have 2,500 km left to go and that the weather will turn nasty in three weeks and that their route is blocked with ice, I can’t see see anything keeping them from completing their Brawndo powered trip.

ScreenHunter_87 Jul. 14 07.28ScreenHunter_83 Jul. 14 07.25

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ScreenHunter_86 Jul. 14 07.28

CMMBCTCA.gif (2200×1700)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

  1. Andy Oz says:

    The Canadian Air Sea Rescue has developed Operation Blowtorch to save the rowing team from disaster. However, with the ban on Carbon based fuels, they must use dog sleds and will have to wait for the ice to return before they can start the mission. Bon Voyage to the rowing team on Bastille Day.

  2. Stephen Richards says:

    Every year their daring-do gets more and more daring-can’t. lol What clowns and with Reggie as the ringmaster would could possibly go wrong.

    The only thing that will stop this crasse stupidity every year will be when someone dies. Hopefully no time soon?.

  3. SMS says:

    Exactly where are they? I go to the site that tracks their progress. See where they made a run for it yesterday, then at about 4:30pm they did a turn around and nothing after that. Am I not getting the fully updated version, or did they turn their transponder off and head back to the McKenzie?

    • Richard Lynch says:

      They don’t keep updating their location when they aren’t moving. I am surmising they have anchored in shallow water because the wind was blowing to hard or the seas were too rough to make headway. They are in open water now, and their boat doesn’t seem to be one that I would like to be in in rough seas.

  4. Richard Lynch says:

    This never was about dramatizing climate change. If they wanted to show that the arctic has less ice than it used to, they could have made the trip in a powered boat. One of the crew once rowed across the Atlantic. This is about extreme rowing. The climate change angle was just an angle to get funding and attention.

  5. Latitude says:

    what kind of idiots would design a boat, from scratch…..that you can’t even row in 15 mph winds

  6. slimething says:

    They should have done this back in 2000 when the NWP was free of ice. 🙂

  7. stewart pid says:

    Barely any wind on the Tuktoyaktuk current / forecast site but the rain and near freezing temps may have prompted them to hunker down until it improves. Soaking wet and 0 C is not a nice combo for any activity.
    So far sea ice has been the least of the rowers troubles. The next few weeks will be interesting & I noticed that on the DMI website the long term average temps roll over in ~10 days but perhaps this year will be as slow to start cooling as it was to warm. However I would bet the opposite … that cooling starts earlier and perhaps a bit faster than past years. No science there just an old guys gut feeling.
    Reggie did you really take a glacial geomorphology course or a geomorphology course with some glacial content? If yes where and what level? Was Tim Ball your prof?

  8. Crashex says:

    “I noticed that on the DMI website the long term average temps roll over in ~10 days but perhaps this year will be as slow to start cooling”

    At that latitude they will start to experience sunset and night fall starting in about…..10 days. It will get progressively colder as the radiant cooling to the night sky begins to offset the daily insolation.

  9. RobertInAz says:

    They are just north of the arctic circle. They may be seeing the sun set already.

  10. phodges says:

    I suggest a pool on a rescue date.

  11. Chewer says:

    Losers do just that, they lose.
    Mental instability always plays a role in a loss of this nature, and this one should make them pause and take stock in reality.

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