Who Is This Cute Baby?

ScreenHunter_21 Jul. 12 15.16 ScreenHunter_19 Jul. 12 15.15

Cute kids never grow up to be bad people!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Who Is This Cute Baby?

  1. jeffk says:

    Charles Mason!
    what do I win??

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Yup, It’s Manson in his yoothood.

  3. Raindog says:

    I dunno, that baby picture looks pretty damned creepy to me.

    • rw says:

      And here I thought it was Maurice Strong who got the ball rolling! It’s all beginning to come together – someone needs to inform Jesse Ventura.

  4. I. Lou Minotti says:

    You’re all wrong. I say it’s either James Hanson, Bill McKibben, John P. Holdren, Michael Mann, or Kari Norgaard before mommy dropped her on her head.


  5. Mike Mangan says:

    It’s Heidi Cullen you maroons!

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