Why Didn’t Eisenhower Take Control Of The Climate?

Apparently Eisenhower didn’t know that greedy white Americans cause tornadoes. He just wasn’t as smart as Obama.

ScreenHunter_356 Jul. 28 21.18

The News-Sentinel – Google News Archive Search

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The Times-News – Google News Archive Search

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The Free Lance-Star – Google News Archive Search

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Toledo Blade – Google News Archive Search

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The Deseret News – Google News Archive Search

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Saskatoon Star-Phoenix – Google News Archive Search

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The Victoria Advocate – Google News Archive Search

ScreenHunter_349 Jul. 28 21.14

The Times-News – Google News Archive Search

ScreenHunter_348 Jul. 28 21.13

The Free Lance-Star – Google News Archive Search

ScreenHunter_347 Jul. 28 21.12

The Milwaukee Sentinel – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Why Didn’t Eisenhower Take Control Of The Climate?

  1. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    Because Ike would have lumped Glow-Bull warming in with the military industrial complex. Ike realized that a strong national defense was as important as a good weather forecast is, he just didn’t think that either one should control or drive national policy and feast off the public sector for its own selfish reasons. In the following video Ike calls for a balanced approach. There is nothing balanced about global warming or about what companies like Mainstream Last First are trying to do.

    The whole video condemns AGW, but starting with minute #9 Ike gets down and dirty with the likes of Mann and the other warmest.

  2. Silly Steve. Eisenhower was too busy playing golf.

    Oh, wait………………..

  3. Ralph says:

    maybe if obama was” working” instead of vacationing?

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